Jonathan Pollard: 2002 Items
- Caspar Weinberger's In the Arena: Edwin Black - History News Network
- Jan. 1: Letter: Minister Dani Naveh's Response to Jonathan Pollard
- Jan. 3: Books & Recommended Reading on the Pollard Case: J4JP Release
- Jan. 3: Letter: Pollard Responds to Minister Naveh Again Calling for Truth: J4JP Release
- Jan. 4: Deafening Silence: Jewish Press (NY)
- Jan. 4: Would You Buy A Used Car From Cap Weinberger? Jewish Press (NY)
- Jan. 4: PM Sharon and Rabbis of Pikuach Nefesh Committee Ignore Pollard: Jewish Press (NY)
- Jan. 4: The Dreyfus-Pollard Parallel: Jewish Week (NY)
- Jan. 6: A Memorial Tribute To My Beloved Friend Rechavam Ze'evi z"l: Jonathan Pollard
- Jan. 7: Letter from Congressman Weiner to Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld
- Jan. 8: Former PM Netanyahu Visits Jonathan Pollard: J4JP Release
- Jan. 9: Former PM Netanyahu Visits Pollard In Prison - Israelinsider Feature: An Overview of Recent Events
- Jan. 9: Pollard vs. Vanunu: A Double Standard At Work: The Suburban
- Jan. 10: Netanyahu Meets With Pollard In North Carolina Prison: AP
- Jan. 12: Pollard Lawyers Have Right To See His File: James Patterson
- Jan. 14: Look to the Future Palestinian Leadership: National Post - Source: IMRA
- Jan. 15: Scientist Lee Says U.S. Targeted Him Due to Race: Reuters
- Jan. 15: Pollard Attorneys On Netanyahu Initiative: Media Release
- Jan. 18: A Rich Lesson In Ethics: Stewart Ain
- Jan. 25: Confrontation Between Sharon & Netanyahu: Eton Yerushalayim/Yediot Achronot
- Jan. 29: Document: Special Session of Knesset in Honor of Jonathan Pollard - Transcript
- Feb. 5: Kurtzer Was Right: Jerusalem Post
- Feb. 7: Sharon the Coward: DryBones
- Feb. 8: Legal Doc: Court Orders Government to Respond to Pollard Motions
- Feb. 10: Sharon and Bush Discussed Pollard, Iraq, Syria, Arafat: MEWNews [FBIS]
- Feb. 13: A Statement on Fraudulent Fundraising: J4JP Release
- Feb. 15: Televised Interview With Pollard Attorneys to Air: J4JP Release
- Feb. 21: Jerusalem Post Revives False Charge of Treason: J4JP Release
- Feb. 21: MK Michael Kleiner Visits Jonathan Pollard: Arutz7 News
- Feb. 22: Jonathan Pollard Asks MKs to Send Petition to Congress: Jerusalem Post
- Feb. 24: Document: Historic Knesset Petition to Free Pollard: J4JP Release
- Mar. 4: Legal Doc: Court Assigns New Judge to Pollard Case
- Mar. 7: IMRA'S Weekly Commentary on Israel National Radio: Aaron Lerner
- Mar. 14: Knesset Delegation to Lobby for Pollard's Release: Arutz7 News
- Mar. 19: B'nai B'rith Urges Release Of Jonathan Pollard Before Passover
- Mar. 20: Israeli Delegation to Ask Congress Again to Free Pollard: The Herald
- Mar. 23: Personal Handwritten Note from PM Netanyahu to Jonathan Pollard
- Mar. 26: "What! Is Pollard Ill?" Viewpoint Magazine Sun (Durham NC)
- Mar. 27: Wiesel Letter to Dallin Oaks
- Apr. 1: An Urgent Appeal From The Great Rabbis: Reprinted by NCYI Viewpoint Magazine
- Apr. 1: An Urgent Appeal From The Great Rabbis: Image of Original Full Page Ad
- Apr. 22: Pollard Attorneys Correct Clinton on Remorse: Newsweek
- May 3: Jonathan Pollard: Forsaken or Forgotten? Yochanan Kahan
- May 9: Legal Doc: Reply Memo in Support of Motion for Modification of Jan. 2001 Order, Based on Government's Aug. 2001 Letter
- May 9: Legal Doc: Reply Affidavit in Support of Motion for Modification
- May 9: Legal Doc: Reply Memo in Support of Motion for Reconsideration of August 2001 Order, or for Issuance of Certificate of Appealability
- May 9: Legal Doc: Motion to Enlarge Scope of Pending Motion for Modification Based on Newly Obtained Evidence
- May 9: Legal Doc: Government's Response to Pollard's Second Motion
- May 9: Legal Doc: Government's Response to Pollard's for Reconsideration or Appeal
- May 15: Summary Of The Legal Initiatives For Jonathan Pollard: Eliot Lauer & Jacques Semmelman
- June 3: James D. Besser Interview of Pollards: IMRA
- June 4: Legal Doc: Defendant's Supplemental Reply Based On An Eleventh Circuit Decision:
- June 7: I Cry For My Brother Jonathan: Rabbi Simcha A. Green
- June 7: Legal Doc: Stillman Case Decision
- June 14: Caspar's Ghost: Weinberger Memoir Omits Key Involvement: Edwin Black
- June 17: Bush Did Not Receive or Reject Sharon Appeal: J4JP Release
- June 18: No Room for the Pollards: Arutz7 News
- June 20: 34th Zionist Congress Resolution on Jonathan Pollard: Source: IMRA
- June 21: Special Report by Edwin Black - NY Jewish Week (PDF)
- June 24: Where is Jonathan? HaRav Shlomo Aviner
- July 5: Urgent Tisha B'Av Message from HaRav Mordecai Eliyahu Re: Jonathan Pollard
- July 8: Not Just "Legal Technicalities": Eliot Lauer and Jacques Semmelman
- July 12: Pollard Is Victim Of Discrimination: Special to The Jewish Week
- July 17: Plea for Pollard: Arutz7 News
- July 19: Setting the Record Straight on Pollard: Kenneth Lasson, Esq.
- July 24: Jonathan Pollard, John Walker Lindh: Scales of Justice Out of Balance: Robert A. Cohn
- Aug. 7: Ellul is Here...and Jonathan Pollard Remains in the Pit: HaRav Shlomo Aviner
- Aug. 7: Rep. Weiner to Bush: Free Pollard Now!
- Aug. 12: Weinberger: Pollard Case "A Minor Matter": Jacob Seidenberg
- Aug. 12: Letter from Rep. Barney Frank to Attorney General John Ashcroft re: Secret Documents
- Aug. 18: Officers Say U.S. Aided Iraq in War Despite Use of Gas: NY Times
- Aug. 27: Cheney Says Peril of a Nuclear Iraq Justifies an Attack: NY Times
- Aug. 27: In Cheney's Words: The Administration Case for Removing Saddam Hussein: NY Times
- Oct.: CIA Document: Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction Programs
- Oct. 13: Pollard and Israel, "Sitting Ducks" for the US? IMRA Interview With Esther Pollard
- Oct. 9: I Can't Stand Lieberman: The Wall Street Journal
- Oct. 16: Ariel Sharon and Jonathan Pollard: Prof. Paul Eidelberg
- Oct. 16: Excerpts from "The Death Lobby - How the West Armed Iraq": Kenneth R. Timmerman
- Oct. 16: Likud Convention Opens With Five Motions by Jewish Leadership Including Resolution on Jonathan Pollard: Arutz7 News
- Oct. 21: Quid Pro Quo: Yosef Goell
- Oct. 28: Bringing Jonathan Home: Professor Paul Eidelberg
- Oct. 28: The Wrong Man at Langley: The National Review
- Nov. 1: How a Cuban Spy Sowed Confusion in the Pentagon: The Wall Street Journal
- Nov. 5: National Security? The Honorable George N. Leighton
- Nov. 13: Barak Dragging his Feet on Rich Investigation: Jerusalem Post
- Nov. 14: Annals of Government - [How the US Armed Iraq]: The New Yorker Magazine
- Nov. 18: FOIA Doc: Conf. of Presidents Letter to U.S. Sec. of State Betraying Pollard: J4JP Release
- Nov. 18: Push For Peace, Not War With Iraq: Trent D. Pendley
- Nov. 18: Collective Responsibility: Emanuel Rackman
- Nov. 19: FOIA Doc: Conference of Presidents' Press Statement After Pollard Sentenced to Life: J4JP Release
- Nov. 19: FOIA Doc: Sec. of State's Response to Conference of Presidents Letter Betraying Pollard: J4JP Release
- Nov. 20: Exhibit A - The Second Bryant Letter
- Dec. 1: Kleiner: A Fifth of Israelis and a Quarter of Young Don't Know Who Jonathan Pollard Is: IMRA
- Dec. 4: Pollard Rejects Election Offer and Herut Media Release: J4JP Media Release
- Dec. 6: Legal Doc: Defendant's Supplemental Reply
- Dec. 9: The Spy Who's Locked Into the Cold: Sara Levinsky Rigler
- Dec. 10: What No One Wants to Talk About: Esther Pollard
- Dec. 10: Pollard: What He Knows, and Leaders of Jewry: Arutz7 News
- Dec. 13: Time for Agudath Israel to Live Up To Its Commitment to the Pollard Case: J4JP Release
- Dec. 13: Jewish Leaders Visit White House, Ignore Pollard Plight As 9/11 Orphans Light White House Menorah: Hamodia
- Dec. 20: Oh Lord. It's Lieberman: Jerusalem Post
- Dec. 30: U.S. Had Key Role in Iraq Buildup: Washington Post
- Dec. 30: Report: US Authorized Sales of Anthrax, Poisonous Chemicals to Iraq in the 1980's: Jerusalem Post
- Dec. 30: Would a Jewish President be Good for Israel? Shmuley Boteach
- Dec. 31: Would A President Lieberman Be Good For The Jews? Alan Skorski