Wiesel Letter to Dallin Oaks

Office of Elie Wiesel

200 East 64th. Street
New York, NY 10021
(Tel.) 212 371. 7018
(Fax) 212 838. 4149

March 27, 2002

Rabbi Shmuel Boteach
Oxford L'Chaim Society
6 East 39th Street
Tenth Floor
New York, NY 10016

Dear Rabbi Boteach

I am sending a copy of Professor Wiesel's recent letter to Elder Dallin Oaks. Please find it enclosed.

Thank you,


(signed) Rachel Strauss


Boston University

March 18, 2002

Elder Dallin H. Oaks
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
47 East South Temple Street
Salt Lake City, Utah, 84150

Dear Elder Oaks,

I heard from Rabbi Boteach that you are helping those trying to obtain a pardon for Jonathan Pollard.

I think the time has come, for humanitarian reasons, to allow Mr. Pollard to join his family and, as is his wish, to go to Israel. I am sure that your intervention, and that of many others, will be fruitful.

Best Wishes,

Elie Wiesel
