MK Michael Kleiner Visits Jonathan Pollard

Arutz7 News - February 21, 2002

MK Michael Kleiner (Herut) was scheduled to meet with Jonathan Pollard in his North Carolina jail cell today. Kleiner, who heads the Knesset lobby for Pollard's release, was to present Pollard with a copy of a letter, signed by all 110 Knesset Members, calling upon US President George Bush to pardon him. The letter was initiated by MK Michael Eitan (Likud).

Pollard's wife Esther, in a public letter this week, emphasized yet again that her husband was "never accused of, indicted for or convicted of treason. He also was never charged with harming or intending to harm the US. These are false charges that have been leveled at him only in the court of public opinion, never in a court of law. The only charge Jonathan was ever indicted for was one count of passing classified information to an ally, Israel. There were no other charges against Jonathan, and no charges were dropped as part of the plea agreement he entered into with the US." Mrs. Pollard urges the public to learn the facts about her husband's case by visiting the facts page.

J4JP Note

: Jonathan Pollard met with MK Kleiner today at FCI Butner. Pollard's wife, Esther, was present at the meeting.

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