Pollard Rejects Election Offer and Herut Media Release

J4JP Media Release - December 4, 2002

Justice for Jonathan Pollard (J4JP) calls on Member of Knesset (MK) Michael Kleiner to correct his press statement which erroneously asserts that Jonathan Pollard wanted to be a candidate on the Herut Party list but was prevented from doing so by his advisors for fear of harming his US court case.

Jonathan Pollard never accepted any offer from Kleiner or any other official to be a candidate in the upcoming Israeli parliamentary elections.

Kleiner's media release of 12/04/02 contains a number of incorrect statements:

Pollard's US court case played no role in his decision to reject Kleiner's offer. The release incorrectly asserts that Pollard's American attorneys advised him not to accept Kleiner's offer. In fact, the offer was rejected before it was ever necessary to consult with them. And unfortunately, Kleiner's assertion that Pollard is scheduled for a court hearing in 2 months' time is also not correct. No hearing has been scheduled. J4JP calls on Kleiner to correct his statement.

For further information contact Esther Pollard:

c/o Attorney Larry Dub, phone: 02-623-1485
c/o the J4JP office, phone: 416-781-3571
By email: pollard@jonathanpollard.org

For accurate up-to-date information on the Pollard case visit the J4JP web site at jonathanpollard.org.