Would You Buy A Used Car From Cap Weinberger?

Mordecai Pearlmutter - Jewish Press (NY) - January 4, 2002

Re "Pollard Serving Life on Word of Man Indicted Twice For Lying" (Op-Ed, Jewish Press, Dec. 28/01)

It is important that everybody be periodically reminded that Jonathan Pollard is serving a life sentence on the say-so of someone who was charged with perjury and obstruction of justice. The never-proven claims against Pollard contained in the infamous Caspar Weinberger memorandum were principally responsible for the sentencing judge's decision to disregard a plea bargain and impose a life sentence.

This is the same Weinberger who, had he not been pardoned by the senior President Bush, faced almost certain conviction and probable imprisonment for lying about the Iran-Contra affair to Congress and federal prosecutors.

Had Pollard not been a spy for the Jewish State of Israel, it is hard to believe he would be serving a life sentence, based as it was on information provided by an individual of such questionable veracity.

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