Audio Files

See also the video files.

Section I: Songs

  1. Our Brother Jonathan (English): Click here to listen.

    Achinu Yehonatan (Hebrew): Click here to listen.

    • Lyrics: HaRav Shlomo Aviner
    • Performed by: Mordecai Fischer

  2. Joseph Jonathan: (English): Andy Gross

  3. Justice Denied (English): Dovid and Steve Kerner

  4. Lonely Prisoner (English): Yair Gordon

  5. Akedat Yonatan - The Sacrifice of Jonathan (Hebrew)

  6. Video and Original Song Dedicated to All of our Captives by Aiton Birnbaum

  7. The Children Coming Home: A Song Dedicated to Jonathan Pollard

  8. [Hebrew]: V'shavu Banim L'gvulum: A Song Dedicated to Jonathan Pollard

  9. Jonathan aka "J" or "JP" Pollard, an Awareness Song

Section II: Assorted Audio Files

  1. April 5 to 11, 2005: Pollard Radio Ad Campaign

    • Click here to listen.

    • Source: Reshet Bet - Kol Yisrael Radio
    • Announcer: Dr. Avshalom Kor
    • Language: Hebrew
    • Length: 12 seconds

      Bio note: Dr. Avshalom Kor, Israel's most recognized radio voice, is also Israel's best-known Hebrew language expert. His daily appearances on radio and television have given him a wide following and instant voice recognition throughout the country.

  2. May 12, 2005: HaRav Mordecai Eliyahu - Honorary Citizenship Ceremony for Jonathan Pollard at Israel Independence Day Celebration in Hebron

    • Click here to listen.

    • Language: Hebrew
    • Length (mins:secs): 18:20

  3. May 18, 2005: Yoman HaErev Interview with Yaron Dekel

      Israeli Journalist Yaron Deckel discusses his interview with Jonathan Pollard which took place the day after the Ambassador's prison visit.

    • Click here to listen.

    • Source: Mabat Evening News Journal - Israel TV Channel One
    • Language: Hebrew
    • Length (mins:secs): 7:20

  4. May 24, 2005: Arutz 7 Interview with Caroline Glick.
      Show hosts: Eli Stutz and Yishai Fleisher

      Caroline Glick is an editor at the Jerusalem Post, a columnist for Makor Rishon and a Senior Middle East Fellow at the Center for Security Policy in Washington, DC.

    • Click here to listen.

    • Language: English
    • Length (mins:secs): 22:10

  5. June 1, 2005: INYAN ACHER ("Another Matter")

      INYAN ACHER ("Another Matter") radio program interviews Adi Ginzburg of Noar L'Man Pollard and Lea Rosenberg, Spokesperson for the Minstry of Education Spokesperson about the Pollard Matriculation Campaign.

    • Click here to listen to the interview.
    • Click here read the related media release.

    • Source: Reshet Bet - Kol Yisrael Radio
    • Language: Hebrew
    • Length (mins:secs): 8:08

  6. Sept. 13, 2005: Kol Yisrael Radio Interview

      Esther Pollard was interviewed by Yaron Deckel of Kol Yisrael Radio as Prime Minister Sharon was about to depart for the US. Pollard used the opportunity to make a personal appeal to Sharon. Her appeal was repeated in various news reports throughout the day. The 7:00 AM news report which includes Esther Pollard's appeal appears here.

    • Click here to listen to the interview.
    • Click here to read the related media release.

    • Source: Reshet Bet - Kol Yisrael Radio
    • Language: Hebrew
    • Length (mins:secs): 2:43

  7. November 3, 2005: Interview with Esther Pollard on False Release Story

      Eli Stuz interviewed Esther Pollard about the firestorm that news of a new release date for her husband has created in Israel. Esther Pollard explains why the news is a sham and how it is intended to delay and undermine Jonathan Pollard's case which is currently before the Supreme Court of Israel.

    • Click here to listen to the interview.

    • Host: Eli Stutz
    • Source: Arutz7 Radio
    • Language: English
    • Length (mins:secs): 22:29

  8. January 16, 2006: Gabi Gazit Interview with Esther Pollard About HJC Decision On PoZ Petition

      Esther Pollard was interviewed by Gabi Gazit of Kol Yisrael Radio immediately following the announcement that the High Court of Israel had rejected Jonathan Pollard's Petition to be recognized as a Prisoner of Zion.

    • Click here to listen to the interview.
    • Click here to read the related media release.

    • Source: Reshet Bet - Kol Yisrael Radio
    • Language: Hebrew
    • Length (mins:secs): 7:14

  9. Feb. 14, 2006 - Arutz7 - Moshe Feiglin Discusses His Recent Visit with Jonathan Pollard:
    An Interview with Yishai Fleisher and Alex Traiman

    • Click here to listen.

    • Language: English
    • Length (mins:secs): 25:00

  10. Apr. 16, 2006 - Galei Tzhal (Army Radio) Interview with Esther Pollard on the Barghouti for Pollard Swap

    • Host: Micha Friedman

      Esther Pollard responds to news reports of a proposed swap in which Israel would free terrorist murderer Marwan Barghouti in return for the US freeing Jonathan Pollard. This interview sets off a firestorm in Israel and numerous other interviews follow

    • Click here to listen.

    • Language: Hebrew
    • Length (mins:secs): 10:49

  11. Apr. 20, 2006 - ABC Radio NY Interview with Esther Pollard

      Esther Pollard, wife of the controversially imprisoned Jonathan Pollard. Interviewed by John Batchelor and Aaron Klein. Interview centers on Israeli Army Radio announcement of a proposed deal whereby the U.S. would free Jonathan Pollard in return for Israeli's freeing of jailed terrorist leader and convicted murderer Marwan Barghouti.

    • Click here to listen.

    • Language: English
    • Length (mins:secs): 10:08

  12. June 8, 2006: Kol YIsrael Radio Report on HJC Rejection of Pollard's Eban Doc Petition

      With comments by Esther Pollard and Attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner

      The Supreme Court of Israel chose to turn its back at this critical juncture in time and to foist the responsibility back to a Government that has abandoned and betrayed Jonathan for two decades without relief.

    • Click here to listen.

    • Source: Kol Yisrael Radio News - Reshet Bet
    • Language: Hebrew
    • Length (mins:secs): 2:23

  13. Sept. 6, 2006: Jonathan and the Judge - A Final Chapter in the Pollard Case?

      Esther Pollard's Speech at Young Israel Beit Knesset Hanassi, Jerusalem

    • Click here to listen.

    • Language: English
    • Length approximately 1 hour & 20 mins.

  14. November 3 - 10, 2006: Pollard Radio Ad Campaign

    • Click here to listen to the full version (15 seconds).
    • Click here to listen to the shorter version (5 seconds)

    • Source: Reshet Bet - Kol Yisrael Radio
    • Announcer: Dr. Avshalom Kor
    • Language: Hebrew
    • Length (mins:secs): 10:08

      Bio note: Dr. Avshalom Kor, Israel's most recognized radio voice, is also Israel’s best-known Hebrew language expert. His daily appearances on radio and television have given him a wide following and instant voice recognition throughout the country.

  15. November 14, 2006: Tovia Singer Show: Interview with Rabbi Pesach Lerner

    • Click here to listen.

    • Source: Arutz7 Radio
    • Language: English
    • Length (mins:secs): 47:59

      Rabbi Pesach Lerner, executive vice president of the National Council of Young Israel and a close confidant of Jonathan Pollard was interviewed in English 14 November 2006 on Arutz7 Radio by Tovia Singer. Rabbi Lerner speaks with Tovia about his latest visit with Jonathan and other recent developments.

  16. November 21, 2006: Tovia Singer Show: Interview with Esther Pollard

    A New Smear Campaign Against Pollard - What is Really Going On?

  17. Click here to listen to part 1
  18. Click here to listen to part 1
    • Source: Arutz7 Radio
    • Language: English
    • Length (mins:secs): Part 1: 23:00, Part 2: 23:00

      In a two part extensive interview to mark the 21st anniversary of incarceration of Jonathan Pollard who begins year 22 in a US prison today for his service to the security of Israel, Esther Pollard speaks with Tovia Singer about recent developments. In a fascinating and detailed exchange of information not previously known, Esther explains the meaning of the current smear campaign being waged by the American intelligence community against Jonathan, and its meaning and import for Israel and the Jews.

  19. November 23, 2006: Radio Kol Chai Parliament on the case of Jonathan Pollard

    • Click here to listen to part 1
    • Click here to listen to part 2
    • Click here to listen to part 3

    • Moderator: Menachem Raht
    • Participants: Mrs. Esther Pollard, Rabbi Asher Mivtzari, Mrs. Eleonora Shiffrin, Deputy Mayor of Bat Yam Uri Bouskilla, Attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, and Rabbi Shlomo Aviner

  20. November 26, 2006: Interview on KRLA 870 News-Talk Radio

    Miscarriage of Justice: The Betrayal and Incarceration of Jonathan Pollard

    • Click here to listen.

    • Source: KRLA 870 News-Talk Radio, Los Angeles
    • Host: Dean Rotbart
    • Special Guests: Dr. Donald Salem and Mrs. Esther Pollard
    • Language: English
    • Length (mins:secs): 52:03

      In a dynamic one hour feature show on KRLA 870 News-Talk Radio [Los Angeles] Dean Rotbart spoke with Esther Pollard and Donald Salem about the Jonathan Pollard Case. Rotbart examined the case past and present and asked hard questions. The special guests discussed the reasons for Pollard's on-going ordeal, the meaning of the new smear campaign against him, and the silence and complicity of the Jewish leadership. The show, which was presented to mark the 21st anniversary of Jonathan Pollard's incarceration and the start of year 22 in prison on November 21, 2006, also includes a review of the latest news and developments in the case.

  21. January 23, 2007: Ex-CIA Director Woolsey Favors Releasing Pollard

    James Woolsey, former Director of the CIA, tells Israel National Radio's Alex Traiman that Jonathan Pollard should be freed.

    • Click here to listen.

    • Source: Arutz7
    • Language: English
    • Length (mins:secs): 1:41

  22. February 18, 2007: Galei Tzhal (IDF) Radio Interview re: Letter from Jonathan Pollard to Parents of Yehuda Lifschitz
    (whose murderers PM Olmert plans to release)

    • Click here to listen.

    • Source: Galei Tzahal Radio
    • Journalist: Daniel Zilberstein
    • Interviewees: Nili and Eli Lifschitz. [Esther Pollard reads a segment of Jonathan's letter].
    • Language: Hebrew
    • Length (mins:secs): 3:40

    See Also:

  23. February 28, 2007 - IDF Radio Report on Historic Letter to President Bush by Rabbis Elyashiv and Schteinman

    Rabbi Lerner and Esther Pollard were interviewed on Yoman HaBoker (the prime time morning news program) about the historically unprecedented letter sent by Torah Sages Elyashiv and Schteinman to President Bush asking for the release of Jonathan Pollard.

  24. March 6, 2007: Rabbi Pesach Lerner interview on the Tovia Singer Show

    Why is Jonathan Pollard still in a US Prison? Rabbi Pesach Lerner, executive vice president of the National Council of the Young Israel, explores the heart-wrenching plight of Jonathan Pollard that demands our urgent attention.

    • Click here to listen.

    • Source: IsraelNationalRadio - Arutz7
    • Language: English
    • Length (mins:secs): 22:39

  25. March 21, 2007: Esther Pollard Interview at Jerusalem Conference Award Ceremony

    Esther Pollard was interviewed by Yishai Fleisher and Alex Trainman at the Jerusalem Conference following the awards ceremony where she accepted the award of "Ohev Tzion" on behalf of her husband, Jonathan. Esther discusses of the implications of the Pollard case for the Jewish People and of her personal relationship with Jonathan.

    • Click here to listen.

    • Source: Arutz7 Radio
    • Language: English
    • Length (mins:secs): 11:19

    See Also: Video of Jonathan Pollard at The Jerusalem Conference Award Ceremony

  26. March 21, 2007: The Jerusalem Conference Honors Jonathan Pollard

    Alex sits down with MK Yuval Steinitz on disengagement and dealing with the Palestinian Authority. Yishai and Alex interview Larry Dubb, Jonathan Pollard's lawyer of 21 years, and discuss the legal bids for release. Plus, Esther Pollard, Jonathan's wife tells us about Jonathan the individual.

    • Click here to listen.

    • Source: Israel National Radio
    • Language: English
    • Length (mins:secs): 47:44

  27. April 1, 2007: Eve of Passover Interview with Esther Pollard

    • Click here to listen.

    • Source: Kol Yisrael Radio, Reshet Bet
    • Program: Inyan Acher
    • Host: Liat Regev
    • Language: Hebrew
    • Length (mins:secs): 8:20

  28. May 21, 2007: US Ambassador's Brazen Lies about Pollard

    • Click here to listen.

    • Venue Bar Ilan University
    • Language: English
    • Length: 56 seconds

  29. May 24, 2007: Uzzi Baruch Interview with Esther Pollard about US Ambassador Jones Fiasco

    • Click here to view article which contains a link to the sound file.

    • Source: Arutz7 Radio
    • Host: Uzzi Baruch
    • Language: Hebrew
    • Length (mins:secs): 9:20

  30. May 22, 2007: Kol Yisrael Interview with Esther Pollard: The US Ambassador's Apology

    • Click here to listen.

    • Source: Kol Yisrael Radio, Reshet Bet
    • Program: Inyan Acher
    • Host: Amnon Nadav
    • Language: Hebrew
    • Length (mins:secs): 6:30

  31. May 22, 2007: Interview with Esther Pollard and Chief Rabbi of Israel Yona Metzger:
    US Ambassador's Brazen Lies and Subsequent Apology

    • Click here to listen.

    • Source: Kol Yisrael Radio, Reshet Moreshet
    • Language: Hebrew
    • Length (mins:secs): 17:23

  32. May 24, 2007: IDF Radio Interview with MK Uri Ariel Calling on FM to Censure the US Ambassador

    • Click here to listen.

    • Source: Galei Tzahal Radio Interviewee: MK Uri Ariel, Head of the Knesset Lobby
    • Language: Hebrew
    • Length (mins:secs): 5:04

    See Also: Hebrew Text: MK Uriel Ariel's Letter to FM Calling for Censure of US: PDFWord

  33. June 20, 2007: Interview with Rav Shmuel Zafrani, Chief of Staff to HaRav Mordechai Eliyahu

    Arutz7 interviewed Rav Shmuel Zafrani following a prison visit 13 June 2007 by HaRav Mordechai Eliyahu and his entourage to Jonathan Pollard at FCI Butner, NC, where Pollard is serving a life sentence. Rav Zafrani speaks of Pollard's deplorable physical condition after 22 years of harsh treatment in prison; he speaks of the failure of the Israeli Government to make the most minimal efforts to rescue her agent, who saved thousands of lives when he supplied vital security information to the State; and he speaks of the direct link between Israel's immoral treatment of Jonathan Pollard, from the moment he was thrown out of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, to the on-going betrayals and abandonments of Israeli soldiers, civilians and communities to this very day.

    • Click here to listen

    • Source: Israel National Radio
    • Language: Hebrew
    • Length (mins:secs): 6:34

  34. October 18, 2007: The Tovia Singer Show: Interview with Esther Pollard on Jonathan's 8,000th day of Incarceration
    The Betrayal of Jonathan Pollard Continues

    In an interview marking the 8,000th day of Jonathan Pollard's incarceration in an American prison for his activities on behalf of the State of Israel, popular INN talk show host,Tovia Singer, interviews Jonathan's wife, Esther Pollard. Esther reviews the case and makes some startling revelations. She points out that recent claims by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and PM Shimon Peres that the State of Israel is currently engaged in secret contacts with the American administration to secure the release of Jonathan Pollard after 22 years are simply not credible. First of all says Pollard, it does not take 22 years to secure the release of one captive; especially a captive who is held by our closest ally; especially a captive for whom Israel has already paid for in full (at Wye in 1998 with the release of 750 Palestinian terrorists with blood on their hands ); and especially a captive who has now served 22 years of a life sentence for an offense that has a median sentence of 2 to 4 years in prison. Pollard astutely points out that the Israel's prisoner swap wtih Hezbullah this week was a text-book case of how a release is actually sought and carried out. While the release is being arranged, not a word is heard in the media. Suddenly the release occurs, and only then is the media informed and the rest of the world learns about it. Pollard concludes that recent declarations in the media by Olmert, Peres and other Israeli officials about secret efforts to secure Pollard's release, is nothing more than self-serving PR. If it were true, explains Pollard, you would not hear a word about it, until Jonathan's release actually occurred.

    • Click here to listen.

    • Source: Israel National Radio
    • Language: English
    • Length (mins:secs): 23:00

  35. October 17, 2007: Radio Kol Chai: Is Olmert holding "secret talks to free Pollard"?
    Interview with Esther Pollard

    Radio Kol Chai Host, Gideon Katz, interviewed Esther Pollard in a live broadcast in Hebrew (17/10/07) following the publication of a Yediot Achronot news article (17/10/07) by senior political correspondent Itamar Eichner, which claims that in response to a petition by the leaders of all the Knesset factions, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has issued a letter which reveals the existence of "secret talks" with Bush and other American officials "to advance" the issue of Jonathan Pollard. It should be noted that Yediot did not contact Jonathan Pollard or his representatives for their response to this 'breaking news', as is standard practice in Israeli journalism. The article also mistakenly reported that Pollard is "serving his 21st year" of a life sentence (instead of completing his 22nd year), which apparently led the interviewer to open with the same error.

  36. November 9, 2007: Reshet Bet interview with Yaniv Halily about his exclusive interview with Jonathan Pollard

    Jonathan Pollard is withering away from day to day after 22 years in prison, but refuses to break. "Up until a few years ago, I used to get visits from Mossad agents, who told me that if I am as much of a patriot as I claim to be I should commit suicide in prison. You can give them a message from me: it isn't going to happen any time soon," said Pollard in a special interview to Yediot 7Days reporter, Yaniv Halily. See the original interview on the web at

    • Click here to listen.

    • Source: Reshet Bet - Kol Yisrael Radio
    • Language: Hebrew
    • Length (mins:secs): 8:40

  37. November 11, 2007: Galei Tzahal Interview with Esther Pollard
    Hostility of American Jewish Leaders Unrelenting After 22 Years

    IDF radio news anchor and popular talk show host, Razi Barkai, is currently in New York where he has been speaking with Jewish leaders about Jonathan Pollard. Expecting that after 22 years in prison there would be compassion and support for Pollard, Barkai was stunned by the unrelenting hostility the American Jewish leaders demonstrate towards the captive Israeli agent. Udi Segal, filling in as anchor for Barkai in Israel, interviewed Esther Pollard in Hebrew [Nov. 11, 2007] about the Jewish leaders' extreme attitude to Pollard. It should be noted that unlike the leadership whose personal interests and power-mongering may be "inconvenienced" by the Pollard case, the American Jewish Community at large cares deeply about Jonathan Pollard and wants to see him free.

    See Also: Transcript [English]: Galei Tzahal Interview with Esther Pollard: Hostility of American Jewish Leaders Unrelenting After 22 Years

    • Click here to listen.

    • Source: Galei Tzahal (IDF Radio)
    • Host: Udi Segal (substituting for Razi Barkai)
    • Interviewee: Esther Pollard
    • Language: Hebrew
    • Length (mins:secs): 4:25

  38. November 18, 2007: Marking the Completion of 22 years in prison today
    Reshet Bet interview with Esther Pollard

    Today's date, 8 Kislev 5768, according to the Hebrew lunar calendar corresponds to the Gregorian date of Jonathan Pollard's arrest 22 years ago, November 21, 1985. This day marks the completion of 22 years in prison. On the eve of a cabinet meeting (tomorrow) to respond to the American demand to free an additional 500 Palestinian murderers, Esther expresses astonishment at the failure of Israel's leadership to speak out, demanding that the prime minister first secure Jonathan's release from the Americans, before making any further gestures.

    • Click here to listen.

    • Source: Reshet Bet - Kol Yisrael Radio
    • Interviewer: Liat Regev
    • Program: Inyan Acher [Another Matter]
    • Language: Hebrew
    • Length (mins:secs): 11:12

    See Also:

  39. Galei Tzahal Interview with Esther Pollard RE: Knesset Committee Calls for Probe of Pollard Case

    In this interview on IDF Radio, Galei Tzahal, Esther Pollard responds to the breaking news of the Knesset State Control Committee authorizing the Israeli State Comptroller to begin an investigation into the Israeli Governments' handling of the Pollard case and its failure to secure his release for the last 23 years.

    Esther makes it clear that there is a time to investigate and a time to save a life. Now is the time, she says, particularly just days before the arrival of President George Bush in Israel, to press for Jonathan's release. Once he is home and out of harm's way, Esther continues, there will be ample time for investigations.

    • Click here to listen to this interview.

    • Date of Interview: December 31, 2007
    • Source: Galei Tzahal (IDF Radio)
    • Interviewee: Esther Pollard
    • Language: Hebrew
    • Length (mins:secs): 8:41

    See Also:

  40. March 25, 2008 - Razi Barkai interview with Esther Pollard on IDF Radio

    Razi Barkai does a comprehensive update with Esther Pollard in Hebrew following Minister Rafi Eitan's cunning declaration that he expects Jonathan Pollard home soon.

  41. November 26, 2008: Galei Tzahal Interview with Esther Pollard
    Jonathan Pollard begins year 24 in Prison as Olmert meets with Bush in Washington

    After receiving an on-the-air update about the renewed campaign for Jonathan Pollard's release from journalist Ilil Shachar, and announcing the new toll-free number for Israelis to call the White House [dial 077- 5664305] IDF radio news anchor and popular talk show host, Razi Barkai, interviews Esther Pollard in Hebrew. Barkai discusses with Esther the fortuitous confluence of circumstances which now favors the Government of Israel with a golden opportunity to secure Jonathan's release and bring him home, ALIVE!

  42. December 9, 2008 - Radio Moreshet Interview: Pollards urge Chabad to participate in Mitzvah of Pidyan Shvuyim

    As Jonathan Pollard entered his 24th year of a life sentence (on the 8th of Kislev) his wife, Esther, was a featured guest on Kol Yisrael's Radio Moreshet (Heritage Radio).

    Esther was interviewed in Hebrew the 9th of Kislev (Motzei Shabbat, 6/12/08) at the Kol Yisrael studios by Uri Revach. Her interview took place concurrently with the interview of three Chabad representatives, invited to speak about the recent hostage tragedy in Mumbai. Esther used the opportunity to make an impassioned plea to the American executive leadership of Chabad, to help save Jonathan's life by participating in the mitzvah of Pidyan Shvuyim.

    • Source: Kol Yisrael Radio: Radio Moreshet
    • Host: Uri Revach
    • Interviewee: Esther Pollard
    • Language: Hebrew
    • Length (mins:secs): 8:28

  43. December 15, 2008: YWN Interview of Chief Rabbi Metzger after prison visit with Jonathan Pollard

    On December 15, 2008, Chief Rabbi of Israel Yona Metzger, accompanied by Rabbi Pesach Lerner Executive VP of NCYI & Mr. Shlomo Mostovsky Naional President of NCYI, visited with Jonathan Pollard at FCI Butner. Immediately after the visit, Rabbi Metzger was interviewed by Yeshiva World News.

    • Click here to listen to the interview.
    • Click here to read the related YWN media release.

    • Source: Yeshiva World News
    • Language: English
    • Length (mins:secs): 9:25

  44. Jan. 21, 2009: Pollard clemency campaign had every advantage, but one

  45. Oct. 6, 2009: Redux: Akedat Yehonatan - A heart-rending ballad dedicated to Jonathan Pollard: Justice4JPnews

  46. Aug. 1, 2010: HaRav HaGaon Ben-Tzion Motzofi on Jonathan Pollard: Justice4JPnews

  47. Jan. 8, 2011: Audio: PM Netanyahu's Speech in Knesset Calling for Pollard's Release: Justice4JPnews