Radio Moreshet Interview: Pollards urge Chabad to participate in Mitzvah of Pidyan Shvuyim

Justice4JPnews - December 9, 2008

As Jonathan Pollard entered his 24th year of a

life sentence

(on the 8th of Kislev) his wife, Esther, was a featured guest on Kol Yisrael's Radio Moreshet (Heritage Radio).

Esther was interviewed in Hebrew, on the 9th of Kislev (Motzei Shabbat, 6/12/08) at the national radio station's studios in Jerusalem, by host Uri Revach. Her interview took place concurrently with the interview of three Chabad representatives, invited to speak about the recent hostage tragedy in Mumbai. Esther used the opportunity to make an impassioned plea to the American executive leadership of Chabad, to help save Jonathan's life by participating in the Mitzvah of Pidyan Shvuyim.

Click here

to hear the interview.

Among other things, Esther pointed out that Chabad has a wealth of resources, including access to the White House, clout on Capitol Hill and a world-wide satellite communications network, which she said, could make all the difference if it were tapped to save Jonathan's life. For the last 24 years, she said, Chabad's leadership has deferred all involvement in the Mitzvah of Pidyan Shvuyim for Jonathan Pollard, not even willing to use its resources to issue a simple call for public prayer.

She called on the American executive of the Chabad organization to write a letter to President Bush calling for Jonathan's release, as so many other Jewish Organizations have done.

In two weeks from now, Chabad leaders will be lighting Chanukah Candles at the White House, said Pollard. "Chabad has never used this opportunity nor any of Chabad's resources for the Mitzvah of Pidyan Shvuyim for my desperately ill husband, Jonathan. This time, it is life and death. This is the end of President Bush's term in office. Those American officials who once opposed Jonathan's release, now favor it. This is a window of opportunity to save Jonathan's life which must not be missed!"

Pollard's fellow interviewees, 3 Israeli Chabad representatives, blessed Jonathan in their on-air reactions to her words, pointing out that Pollard was "moser nefesh for Am Yisrael, one who sacrificed himself for the nation of Israel - the highest form of the Mitzvah of Pidyan Shvuyim." They expressed great personal support on-air, and called on "all Chabadniks" to support the call for Jonathan's release. Esther thanked them, but pointed out that in order for this to be effective, the initiative must come from the American leadership of Chabad, not just private individuals.

J4JP calls on anyone with Chabad connections - friends, family, groups, etc -- to contact the Chabad organization's executive leadership in America and tell them: It is time for Chabad to take up the Mitzvah of Pidyan Shvuyim! Now is the time to save Jonathan Pollard's life! Please don't delay!

J4JP Reminder!

Please call the White House for Jonathan Pollard:
202-456-1414 or 202-456-1111
From Israel, call toll-free: 077-566-4305

Leave a message for President George Bush:
Free Jonathan Pollard now!