Kol Yisrael: Esther Pollard Appeals to Sharon

Justice4JP Release - September 13, 2005

Esther Pollard was interviewed by Yaron Deckel of Kol Yisrael Radio this morning as Prime Minister Sharon prepares to depart for the US today. Sharon is slated to appear at the United Nations. He is scheduled to meet with President Bush and other world leaders in the US.

In her interview Esther Pollard made a personal appeal to PM Sharon which was rebroadcast in Kol Yisrael morning news reports. Pollard's appeal to Sharon appears below (translated to English by Justice4JP):

"Mr. Prime Minister,

If you are a man of honor, you now have a final opportunity to prove to one and all, that you not only make promises but keep them as well. When you sent the Israeli Ambassador to see Jonathan in prison we feared that this was an empty gesture for your own public relations needs in Israel. But you claimed that this was the first step in securing Jonathan's release. We have learned from reliable sources in Washington that President Bush admires you very much for succeeding in carrying out the Disengagement. That is why sources close to him have told us that if you ask for Jonathan's release now, no doubt he will allow Jonathan to fly home with you to Israel. Honorable Prime Minister, the entire nation is waiting; there is no reason in the world for you to return to Israel without Jonathan Pollard. I urge you: don't disappoint your nation!"

Kol Yisrael news reports concluded by indicating that securing Jonathan's release at this time would no doubt help the Prime Minister in his struggle to retain leadership of his ruling Likud Party. Esther and Jonathan Pollard deplore the exploitation of Jonathan Pollard's plight for political purposes and urge PM Sharon to bring Jonathan Pollard home now because it is the right thing to do, and it is long overdue.

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