Pollard Prayers and PDFs

(Page created July 21, 2003.)

Except where noted, all of the prayers on this page were composed by His Eminence, HaRav Eliyahu, the former Chief Rabbi of Israel and Rishon LeZion, Jonathan Pollard's Rav and Moreh Derech.

The "Special Prayer for Jonathan Pollard" was originally composed by HaRav Eliyahu as part of the "Special Order of Prayers" for the June 4, 2003 Atzeret Tefillah at the Kotel. It underwent minor changes, including the insertion of Hebrew vowels, and was reprinted as "Prayer for Jonathan Pollard" in the Pollard/Nishmat Kol Chai Prayer Card which J4JP is currently mass distributing in Israel and on the web.

All of the prayers were composed so that they remain valid for Jonathan and for Am Yisrael for all time. Whenever these prayers are said for Jonathan, they abundantly bless anyone who says them. As well, all of Israel is blessed.

The Pollard/Nishmat Kol Chai Prayer Cards are available in Jerusalem at the Office of HaRav Mordecai Eliyahu (at his synagogue on Rhines Street, Kyriat Moshe) and at the Law Offices of Larry Dub (5 Narkiss Street, Jerusalem). Prayer cards are also being distributed at various events and at holy sites in Israel. If you need a large number of cards for your group or chug please contact us by email: pollard@jonathanpollard.org. We will prepare the cards for you for pick up in Jerusalem.

The PDF file of the Pollard/Nishmat Kol Chai Prayer Card is now on the web. It can be printed out or given to a professional printer for reproduction. J4JP welcomes the reprinting and distribution of these cards by anyone interested in participating in the mitzvah of Pidyan Shvuyim and Zikui Rabim. [For more details see J4JP Release: Understanding Nishmat Kol Chai & The Pollard Connection.

To aid those who wish to commit to saying Nishmat Kol Chai (before and after Heavenly deliverance) an English translation of a Nishmat Kol Chai commitment form by a colleague of HaRav Mordecai Eliyahu, HaRav Moshe Ben-Tov, is now available on the web (see below).

Please note, both the actual prayer card and the copies printed from the web are holy and should be treated with the same care and respect as a Siddur (Hebrew prayer book).

May the Almighty answer our prayers and the prayers of all Israel speedily and for the good! May we all have the merit to pray Nishmat Kol Chai together with Jonathan, in Jerusalem, in gratitude and thanksgiving to HaShem, very soon! Amain!

Pollard Prayers by HaRav Mordecai Eliyahu shlita, and Related Items

The Pollard Prayer Card & Nishmat Kol Chai - A Powerful Segula for All Blessings

  1. Understanding Nishmat Kol Chai & The Pollard Connection

  2. PDF file of The Pollard/Nishmat Kol Chai Prayer Card (3.2 MB)

    Contains the full Prayer Card (both sides), including:

    • Prayer for Jonathan Pollard - (with Hebrew vowels)
    • Nishmat Kol Chai / Hebrew - (with Hebrew Vowels)
    • Teffilat HaDerech

  3. PDF File of Nishmat Kol Chai - interior of prayer card only (1.54 MB)

  4. PDF File of Pollard Prayer and Teffilat HaDerech - exterior of prayer card only (1.65 MB)

  5. English Translation of Nishmat Kol Chai Prayer - Addendum #1

  6. English Translation of HaRav Ben-Tov's Commitment Form for Nishmat Kol Chai - Addendum #2

  7. English Translation of Prayer for Jonathan Pollard

The Special Order of Prayers at the Kotel

  1. 11 Special Prayer for Jonathan Pollard - Hebrew / No Vowels

  2. Special Prayers for Jonathan Pollard at the Kotel - 4 pages (Complete set) / Hebrew

  3. English Translation of Special Prayer for Jonathan Pollard

  4. Transliteration of Special Prayer for Jonathan Pollard

  5. List of Tehillim to accompany Special Prayer for Jonathan Pollard

Chief Rabbi of Israel Yona Metzger's Prayer for Jonathan Pollard

  1. Chief Rabbi's Prayer for Jonathan Pollard (in Hebrew) - PDF File

  2. English Translation of Chief Rabbi's Prayer for Jonathan Pollard

Israel Defense Forces Prayer for Jonathan Pollard

Written by Chief Rabbi of the IDF, Rabbi Yisrael Weiss

  1. Israel Defense Forces Prayer for Jonathan Pollard

  2. English Text: Israel Defense Forces Prayer for Jonathan Pollard

  3. Israeli Chief Rabbi Amar's High Holiday Prayer For Jonathan Pollard..

See Also: