Update: Correction to Video: Gangsta Rapper SHYNE's Press Conference in a Pollard T-Shirt

Justice4JPnews - December 29, 2010

J4JP has received an update and correction from Lone Star Communications, agents for SHYNE (Moshe Levy Ben David).

One of the first questions asked at SHYNE's recent press conference in Jerusalem (but not shown in the video summary presented by Arutz7) was about his Pollard t-shirt message. J4JP has learned that SHYNE spoke passionately about Jonathan Pollard and vowed to do everything in his power to free him immediately "so I can give him and Esther a private rap here in Jerusalem.'"

J4JP thanks Lone Star Communications for the correction and applauds SHYNE for his principled and deeply-appreciated advocacy for justice for Jonathan Pollard.

J4JP notes that press conferences by stars are, by definition, a platform for promoting the star. The fact that SHYNE chose to share the stage with Jonathan speaks volumes about this rising star.

J4JP wishes SHYNE blessing and success!

  • See Also: Video: Gangsta Rapper SHYNE's Press Conference in a Pollard T-Shirt: Justice4JPnews