Distribution of Freedom Hagadah for Jonathan Pollard

Justice4JPnews - March 10, 2010

The Freedom Hagadah in Honor of Jonathan Pollard

can be obtained at:

Pomerantz Bookseller

, 5 Be'eri Street, Jerusalem
(Corner of King George, opposite the park with the famous Horse Statue! Not far from HaMashbir)

and at:

The Bookstand in the Jerusalem Central Bus Station.

(You will see the bookstand "duchan" as you enter the tachana merkazit.)

The Haggadah is specially priced for "zikui rabbim" (to cover costs only) and is available for a nominal donation of 10 Shekel.

For further information or to order 50 or more copies please be in touch with us at:


As more distribution points become available, we will be updating via email.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Please continue to write to Jonathan Pollard!

With Blessings of Pidyan Shvuyim,
J4JP and The Committee to Bring Jonathan Pollard Home