Update: Pollard Demos Continue in Wake of Rice Meetings

Justice4JP Release - June 19, 2005

Hundreds of protesters gathered outside David's Citadel Hotel in Jerusalem last night to demand the release of Jonathan Pollard, as US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met inside with Israeli Minister of Defense, Shaul Mofaz.

Demonstrators bearing banners and signs chanted "Free Pollard Now!" and "US Hypocrisy!" The latter slogan, heard for the first time tonight, was in reference to Rice's latest demand that Israel free more Palestinian murderers and terrorists from Israeli prisons. Nine hundred Palestinian prisoners have been released in recently months -- including the release of 400 terrorists at the beginning of this month. One of the terrorists released with the 400 was caught this week, laden with explosives and on his way to perpetrate another terrorist attack in Israel. This is just one of many acts of recidivism by newly freed terrorists.

Adi Ginzburg, co-chair of the Committee to Bring Jonathan Pollard home told reporters, "It is absurd and intolerably evil that Rice is demanding the release of even more murderers and terrorists while the US remains totally unresponsive to the People of Israel who want Jonathan Pollard home. Unlike the terrorists the US wants freed, Pollard is in his 20th year in an American prison for saving Israeli lives."

This morning, (Sunday 19 June 2005) demonstrators will meet at 7:00 am outside of David's Citadel Hotel to greet the arrival of Deputy PM Shimon Peres, who is scheduled to meet with Rice. Afterwards at approximately 8:30 am demonstrators will move to an area outside of the Prime Minister's office, where Rice is scheduled to meet with PM Sharon and Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom.

J4JP notes that Prime Minister Sharon remains intransigent in regard to Jonathan Pollard. Sharon's sycophants - both foreign and domestic - continue to make excuses to deflect attention elsewhere, while Sharon continues to do absolutely nothing to secure the release of Jonathan Pollard. Sharon's refusal to bring the issue up with President Bush; his refusal to collect on the American commitment to release Pollard made at Wye; his refusal to deliver the historic Knesset petition for Pollard signed by 112 MKs to President Bush; and his refusal to include Jonathan's release in any negotiation with the United States, all testify to his total lack of initiative to secure Pollard's release. To date, no Israeli Minister has seen fit to publicly protest Sharon's abandonment of an agent, though they are all quite aware that this is the state of affairs.

J4JP has learned that Sharon did bring Pollard's name up with Condoleezza Rice the last time he was in Washington, but only to ask for permission to send the Israeli Ambassador to see Jonathan Pollard, and to assure the US Secretary of State that in spite of the visit, there was no change in Israel's policy towards Pollard.

Government attempts to silence the grassroots on the Pollard issue continue, but without effect. The People of Israel want Pollard home! Grassroots demonstrations are growing, not diminishing. Prayer vigils are on the rise as well, thanks to prayers for Jonathan Pollard issued by the Chief Rabbi of the IDF, Rabbi Yisrael Weiss, the Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Yona Metzger; and the Rishon Le'Tzion, Rabbi Mordecai Eliyahu. See the Pollard Prayers and PDF Files Page for more information.

Justice4JP will continue to update the English speaking public on activities planned by the Committee to Bring Jonathan Pollard Home, and the Pollard Youth Movement. For the original releases in Hebrew see www.freepollard.org.

See Also: