Pro-Pollard Activists Hit Schools

Dozens of activists sneak into 100 high schools, post signs titled "Pollard prevented second Holocaust"

Moran Zelikovich - Yediot Achronot - YNET - May 6, 2005

TEL AVIV - Dozens of activists from the Movement for the Release of Jonathan Pollard snuck into about 100 high schools across the country Thursday and posted signs titled, "Pollard prevented a second Holocaust."

Israeli Spy

The signs note that Pollard, a former American naval intelligence officer who spied for Israel, relayed information regarding plans by Israel's enemies to use non-conventional weapons against the Jewish state.

"The United States kept this information from us in violation of agreements, thus betraying us," the signs said. Moreover, American Jewish leaders remained quiet when Auschwitz was built, as opposed to Pollard, who did not remain quiet in the face of danger, the signs added.

'Protesting a good cause'

Pro-Pollard activist Adi Ginsburg, 18, said public discussion of the issue can stimulate great interest in Pollard's plight.

"Holocaust Memorial Day is not only about symbols and ceremonies to commemorate the past, but also about learning from it, and there are things that need to be done," he said.

The pro-Pollard group also wants educators to allow student activists to raise the matter in class, dismissing suggestions that Thursday's original protest was harmful in any way.

"In most educational facilities students do things that are far more severe and provocative, and here we are talking about a protest for a good cause," he said. "In a democratic country that is the most beautiful thing, to come and put your position on the table."

However, the Education Ministry said regulations forbid propaganda of any kind at schools.

"The ministry will be checking with the schools to find out how the movement was able to enter schools and post the signs," the Education Ministry said.

  • See Also: Pollard Activists Protest in Schools