Knesset Resolution Demands Pollard's Release

Nina Gilbert - The Jerusalem Post - March 15, 2005

The Knesset passed a resolution on Tuesday demanding that the government make the US release of Pollard a condition for Israel's freeing of Palestinian prisoners.

It also called on the government to demand that the US immediately release Pollard on humanitarian grounds because of his long prison service and his deteriorating health.

The resolution, drafted by the National Union, Shas and National Religious Party, noted that Israel has recognized Pollard as an Israeli agent who acted loyally for the security of its citizens. Yitzhak Levy (NRP) said Israel was being asked by the US to make gestures to the Palestinians.

The PA's first demand is that Israel release prisoners, he said. But he said there was "one Jewish prisoner rotting in jail," and the "friendly superpower that is asking us to give mercy to terrorists here is not willing to give us the same mercy."

Levy called on Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to "show the same kind of courage" he has displayed on his plan to evacuate "Jews and settlements," and to "not release a single prisoner until Pollard is in Israel."

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