Maariv NRG: 100 City Protest Rally Against Disengagement Plan

Uri Glickman - Maariv NRG - October 13, 2004

The following article appeared in Maariv NRG in Hebrew, October 13, 2004. It was translated to English by Justice4JP. Jonathan Pollard is the only speaker who is mentioned by name.

Long weeks after some 130 thousand participants who oppose the Disengagement Plan formed a human chain from Gush Katif to Jerusalem, the right returns to the streets tomorrow with a new gimmick, the "100 City Protest".

Tomorrow (14 Oct. 04) starting at 19:30 hours, simultaneous demonstrations will be held at 100 intersections countrywide - from Eilat in the south to Kyriat Shemona in the north - to protest the Disengagement Plan. About an hour before the start of the demonstrations, participants will gather at the intersections bearing torches which they will carry with them as they march to the demonstration site.

However, the crowning glory of the demonstration will be at Paris Square in Jerusalem, where fifty thousand demonstrators are expected. A giant screen will be erected and video clips of all of the recent demonstrations will be screened. 120 chairs will be set up in which Members of Knesset are invited to sit and view the videos. Outstanding public figures on the right are expected to speak at the Jerusalem demonstration. A letter by Prisoner of Zion, Jonathan Pollard, will be read under the title: "Unity, The Fate of the Abandoned."

Tomorrow's demonstration arrives with the closure of another gimmick by the settlers of Gush Katif: "Orange Week." In this campaign they called upon all who support Gush Katif and the Shomron to show solidarity by flying orange flags from their cars and their balconies. The arrangements for tomorrow's demonstrations were preceded by complicated logistical maneuvers. In the course of which, the organizers enlisted key people all over the country, who over this past month, secured permits for the demonstrations and arranged publicity.

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