Five MKs Visit Pollard

Arutz7 News - September 23, 2003

Five Knesset Members visited Jonathan Pollard in his North Carolina prison cell yesterday, learning in the process how Israel has failed him. "I'm not a humanitarian case," Pollard told his visitors. "I was an Israeli agent, and you must firmly demand my release as such." He told them of several cases in which the United States released foreign spies in response to pressure by the spies' respective governments.

Possibly most surprising of all was when Pollard told the five MKs that he knows of a case in which Israel released a man - an IDF officer - who was caught spying for the United States. Pollard expressed fury at Prime Minister Sharon for not submitting to U.S. President Bush, during their recent meeting, the petition signed by 112 MKs demanding Pollard's release.

The five-MK delegation was headed by Michael Eitan of the Likud, and included (Deputy Trade Minister) Michael Ratzon and Gilad Erdan of the Likud, Orit Noked (Labor), and Aryeh Eldad (National Union).

Justice4JP adds:

Jonathan's wife, Esther, and the Israeli Consul General Shmuel Ben-Shmuel were present at the meeting.