Barak Has Abandoned Pollard

Middle East Newsline - January 3, 2000


- The attorney for Jonathan Pollard said he has been abandoned by the government of Prime Minister Ehud Barak.

Attorney Larry Dub said that despite recent media reports Israeli diplomats in Washington have not been given any instructions on Pollard, the former U.S. naval intelligence analyst sentenced to life in prison for passing secrets to Israel.

In a Dec. 28 letter to Barak, Dub said he and Pollard's wife, Esther, met with Israel's new ambassador to Washington, David Ivri. Dub quoted Ivri as saying that he did not receive an update from Barak or any other official regarding Pollard.

"He has received no instructions from the Prime Minister or from any government official regarding Jonathan Pollard," the letter said. "There is no plan whatsoever to assist Jonathan Pollard."

Ivri suggested to Mrs. Pollard that the issue be raised with the prime minister. "As Prime Minister and Minister of Defense you are the only one with authority to approach Mr. Clinton to request that he grant executive clemency to Jonathan Pollard," Dub said in the letter.

The attorney dismissed what he termed as "cheap stunts" by the Barak government. These included sending a Defense Ministry official to Washington for a courtesy call to the White House regarding Pollard.

"Your continued failure to accept responsibilty and to act on behalf of an Israeli agent is troubling," Dub said. "Only your direct intervention with President Clinton will save the life of Jonathan Pollard and bring him home."

On Sunday, Mrs. Pollard echoed Dub's assertions. "We have our own high-level contacts in Washington," she said. "They assure us that there has been no initiative until now by Barak on behalf of Pollard, and none is anticipated."

The White House last month said Clinton has completed consultations on Pollard but has no plans to issue a recommendation in the near future.

In Jerusalem, a petition by Pollard to the High Court is to be heard regarding accusations that the government has not exerted sufficient efforts to win his release.

See also:
  • Larry Dub Letter to PM Barak Dec 28/99
  • Wife Rejects Barak Claim to be working for Pollard Release