Passover Greetings from Minister Ne'eman

Minister of Finance

Thursday 09 April 1998
13 Nissan 5758

Mr. Jonathan Pollard

Dear Jonathan,

As we near Passover (Pessach) I wish to take the opportunity to wish you personally a happy Pessach - chag sameach.

In Pessach we celebrate the liberation of our people, and it is often referred to as the holiday of liberation. It is my hope that the next Pessach you see will indeed be one of liberty and joy. Rest assured that we here in Jerusalem, are thinking of you.

Wishing you a happy Pessach and Shabbat Shalom.


Ya'acov Ne'eman
Minister of Finance

See Also:
  • Apr. 3: Passover Greetings To Pollard From Danny Naveh
  • Apr. 8: Passover Message to Pollard From The Council Of Youth Movements in Israel