Passover Greetings To Pollard From Danny Naveh

Communicated by the Cabinet Secretariat

April 3, 1998

The following is the text of a letter sent by Cabinet Secretary Danny Naveh to Jonathan Pollard:

Dear Jonathan,

Please accept my good wishes for a meaningful and kosher Passover.

As you know, the Prime Minister has requested that I head a team whose aim is to work for your release from prison. This team, formed a few weeks ago, has begun intensive activity, and is currently in the process of formulating a specific course of action. We are constantly and diligently investigating every possibility and every avenue which could hasten your release, we have communicated with your legal counsel and I have met with your wife. I have received all your letters and faxes, which receive serious consideration and care.

I assume that you are aware that the Prime Minister personally coordinates a working group of ministers who act for your release. The ministerial team convened once again today. In the course of this additional meeting. the current situation was presented to him, as well as possible lines of action to be followed.

The Prime Minister urged and encouraged the ministers to visit you whenever they are in the United States. Lately, there have been a number of such visits by ministers and I assume that others will follow.

I personally intend to visit you in the coming weeks. This meeting will give me the opportunity to get acquainted with you, and to exchange views and ideas to achieve progress in this matter, towards which we all strive.

The Embassy of Israel in Washington was also instructed to maintain contact with you. I understand from the reports which I receive that a close rapport was established between you and Mr. Itzhak Oren, who is charged with this task.

I wish to emphasize that we are making every effort, and checking every possibility, which might contribute to your release and your aliya to Israel.

I reiterate my greetings for Pesach, which is also the celebration of freedom; and wish that we may soon see you as a free man in Israel.

Danny Naveh

See Also:
  • Apr. 8: Passover Message to Pollard From The Council Of Youth Movements in Israel
  • Apr. 9: Passover Greetings from Minister Ne'eman