Jonathan Pollard meets Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked

Israel National News - Arutz Sheva Staff - November 24 , 2021

Former spy lauds Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked, thanking her for not revealing her efforts to secure his release from prison.

Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked (Yamina) met with Jonathan and Esther Pollard in her office Wednesday.

The former spy and his wife thanked Shaked for her efforts while serving as Justice Minister to secure Pollard’s release from prison, and attempts to intervene on his behalf with the US Attorney General.

Pollard lauded Shaked, saying that in contrast to most other politicians, she did not publicize her efforts to secure his release, avoiding the possibility that going public could hurt Pollard’s cause.

“I was happy to host Jonathan and Esther Pollard, and to hear from them about their getting acclimated in Israel, and about Jonathan’s ideas to act and move forward,” Shaked said Wednesday afternoon. “Jonathan and Esther, it is always good to see you here, at home.”

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