Netanyahu calls Jonathan Pollard, awaits his return to Israel

Gil Hoffman - The Jerusalem Post - November 24, 2020

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called former Israeli agent Jonathan Pollard on Tuesday and congratulated on his freedom after the five years of his post-prison parole restrictions ended last week.

Netanyahu told Pollard that he was awaiting him to move to Israel, which will be possible when his wife's cancer treatments can be shifted from the US.

"You should have a comfortable life now that both of you can pursue your interests and take care of Esther with the best medical treatment in the world," Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu told Jonathan and Esther: "We are waiting for you. I am glad your nightmare is over. It will be a big moment for all of us when you return to Israel."

Pollard thanked Netanyahu for standing by his word from several years ago when he said he would bring him to Israel. The prime minister thanked him for his moving remarks.

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