Video: PM Netanyahu Speaks with Jonathan and Esther Pollard

November 24, 2020

(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, yesterday (Monday, November 23, 2020), had a warm and moving conversation with Jonathan Pollard and his wife Esther, after the restrictions on Jonathan were lifted and not extended.

Prime Minister Netanyahu congratulated Jonathan Pollard and told him: "We're waiting for you. You should really feel at home. You should now have a comfortable life where both of you can pursue your interests and we can take care of Esther in the best medical treatment in the world."

Jonathan Pollard thanked Prime Minister Netanyahu for standing by his word from several years ago when he said he would bring him to Israel. The Prime Minister thanked him for his moving remarks.

Prime Minister Netanyahu told Jonathan Pollard's wife Esther: "We are waiting for you, even during the coronavirus, with open arms. You will receive from us the genuine embrace of the people of Israel. I want to congratulate you both that this nightmare is over and you will be able to return home to Israel."