Moving: 1,200 schoolgirls sing for Pollard to come to Israel

Ulpanit Yeshurun launches campaign calling for Pollard to be allowed to make aliyah, which will include letters to officials and ministers.

Shimon Cohen - Arutz Sheva - December 14, 2015

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At the religious middle school Ulpanit Yeshurun in Petah Tikva, 1,200 young female students sang in honor of Jonathan Pollard, calling for him to be allowed to make aliyah and immigrate to Israel after being freed from 30 years behind bars in the US last month.

The school said that the moving rendition of the song for Pollard is only the start of a campaign by the students calling for Pollard to be allowed to come to Israel, in a call they hope will catch on and be vocally picked up by Israelis nationwide.

The schoolgirls are preparing to send letters asking that the prime minister and governmental ministers demand Pollard's full release. They also plan to write to US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro, asking that he too work to let Pollard go.

Pollard has been hit with draconian parole conditions, including a strict dawn to dusk curfew, and being made to wear a GPS bracelet that will monitor his location at all times - his movements are limited to a small area inside New York City. An initial ban on using the internet was lifted, although his computers and cell phones will be monitored. He is likewise forbidden from making aliyah to Israel.

Pollard's attorney Eliot Lauer late last month told Arutz Sheva that the restrictions are "unreasonable, unlawful, arbitrary, and serve no legitimate purpose."

Pollard was arrested on charges of spying for Israel in 1985 and later sentenced to life in prison, but recently was given parole after spending half his life in jail. He was handed a life sentence for providing information on regional threats to Israel - unlike spies from other allied or even enemy nations that got off with a tiny fraction of his sentence.

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