Herzog Joins Efforts to Release Pollard

Israeli opposition leader meets officials in Washington, asks them to be considerate of Jonathan Pollard's medical condition.

Arutz Sheva Staff - Arutz7 News - December 7, 2014

Opposition leader MK Yitzhak Herzog (Labor) is joining in on the efforts to secure the release of Jonathan Pollard.

Herzog, currently in the United States for the Saban Forum on Saturday met with American officials and asked them to be considerate of Pollard's medical condition.

The meetings came a day after Pollard, who just recently began his 30th year of incarceration on charges of spying for Israel, lost consciousness and was admitted to a hospital outside the prison.

Pollard, who has been suffering from poor health particularly over the past year, was released from hospital on Saturday.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spoke with Secretary of State John Kerry on Saturday night, and during the conversation said, "Pollard's life is in danger, and after 30 years in jail the time has come for him to be released and live the rest of his years as a free man."

Late last month, as Pollard started his 30th year in jail, the Parole Board of the Justice Department rejected Pollard's parole, with senior U.S. officials involved in the case writing to President Barack Obama to complain that the decision was [based on a false charge and the process was] "deeply flawed."

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