Video: President Peres' remarks after meeting with President Obama

Justice4JPnews - June 26, 2014

Following his meeting with President Obama 25 June 2014, Israeli president Shimon Peres spoke with members of Israel's media and responded to their questions about Jonathan Pollard. A transcript of Peres' remarks translated to English follows below.

Click play below or view the original video in Hebrew on YouTube.

  • Source

    : President Peres Facebook Page:
  • Language

    : Hebrew (with English transcript below)
  • Time

    [min:sec]: 1:10

English transcript of Peres' remarks:

Israeli Media:

What about Jonathan Pollard?

President Peres:

Regarding Pollard, I brought up a certain proposal for discussion, and he said that the Attorney General will study it.

Israeli Media:

Was it a legal request?

President Peres:

(hesitates) This was a request which the family raised with me.

Israeli Media:

(begins to asks for clarification but is cut off by Peres)

President Peres:

I don't want toI don't want to

Israeli Media:

(interjects) It's impossible to explain the request?

President Peres:

Listen. If I were to publicize, it would only undermine it.

Israeli Media:


President Peres:

Well, I cannot say he answered me on the spot. I do not want to go any further than what he said. His response was that the Attorney General, who has the authority, he will decide.

Israeli Media:

Are you optimistic?

President Peres:

If I say that I am optimistic, I will be saying more than he said. I need to be cautious, not to give an inflated impression. I asked [President Obama] explicitly what I could say about this, and what I have told you is what we agreed upon.