Students Write in Pollard's Name on Math Test; 10,000 sign Pollard Petition

Hamodia Staff - Hamodia NY - May 25, 2014

Hundreds of Israeli high school students taking a nationwide exam in math on Sunday planned to use the opportunity to appeal to President Shimon Peres to act to secure the release of Israeli agent Jonathan Pollard.

"Youth for Pollard" activists sent out messages calling upon thousands of high school students, to devote the first page of their exam notebook to Pollard, and to write the following equation in large letters:

"29 years = Far too much! Mr. President, please finish with Pollard!"

Noy, an 11th-grade student from Katzrin who intended to participate in the protest, said: "There is some concern because you never know what the examiner will think of the protest and how he will react to it; but I feel that it is impossible not to take a small risk for Jonathan who has been rotting in prison for 29 years for his actions on behalf of our country."

An online petition urging Peres to make use of his last official visit to the White House as president of Israel in the coming days to bring Pollard home was signed by 10,000 people on the first day of the campaign.

View original article.

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Everyone is welcome to sign the Pollard Petition!

Instructions for English Speakers to sign the Petition for Pollard

Click here to go to the petition.

The English text of the petition follows below the Hebrew text.
The signature box is at the top of the page on the left. It has 3 lines

To sign in English:

  1. On the first line:

    Type your first and last name.
  2. On the second line:

    Type your location (e.g. Jerusalem)
  3. On the last line:

    type your email address (it will not be shown)
  4. Click the oval-shaped green "send" button to send in your signature.