Dressing up as Jonathan Pollard on Purim

Justice4JPnews - March 15, 2014

Many Israelis are dressing as "Jonathan Pollard" for Purim this year. One of the most original Jonathan Pollard costumes is shown below. It features the Statue of Liberty holding the Torch of Freedom in one hand and Jonathan Pollard caged in his jail cell in the other. The photo was posted on our Hebrew Facebook page just prior to Shabbat (https://www.facebook.com/FreePollardNow) and immediately generated more than 1,000 "Likes"! What do you think of it? Let us know.

(http://www.facebook.com/justice4jp) Hat Tip to Yaacov Lederman for sending us the photo!

The Mateh L'maan Shichroroh shel Yonatan Pollard (aka the Committee, aka the Campaign) joins Justice for J4JP in wishing everyone a happy, safe, joy-filled Purim! Chag somayach! At this time of joyful "turnabout" ("v'na'aphochu") may we merit to see the speedy redemption of Jonathan Pollard and his swift return home to Israel! May he have a speedy recovery from surgery and may he return home to us in good health very soon! Amain! May this truly be a chag somayach for all of Israel!