Israeli agent Jonathan Pollard hospitalized

Pollard has been jailed in the US for nearly 30 years for spying for Israel; sources close to him waiting for more information.

Gil Hoffman - The Jerusalem Post - March 6, 2014

Israeli agent Jonathan Pollard was hospitalized on Wednesday morning after a deterioration of his medical condition.

Pollard had been suffering from various medical ailments and has suffered from extreme pain for an extended period of time.

Sources close to him hope to receive more information when it is morning in United States.

The long list of ailments that he has suffered from over the years include diabetes, nausea, dizziness, blackouts and ongoing issues with his gall bladder, kidneys, sinuses, eyes and feet. He also suffers from Meniere's disease, which causes him to lose consciousness and fall without warning.

Last month, thousands of people chanted "Free Pollard now" and "Enough is enough" in a demonstration for the release of Pollard opposite the US Embassy in Tel Aviv.

"Today, after nearly 30 years [that Pollard sits] in prison, there is no one who does not know that Jonathan's life sentence is grossly disproportionate and unjust," his wife, Esther Pollard said to an estimated crowd of 3,000. "Indeed, many senior American officials are now calling for Jonathan's release as a matter of simple justice, and as a humanitarian issue."

Pollard passed classified information about enemy states to the Israeli government during the 1980s, and has been in jail serving a life sentence for espionage since 1985.

Lahav Harkov contributed to this report.

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