Right-wing MKs apologize to US Ambassador for 'closed meeting' leaks

Lahav Harkov - The Jerusalem Post - February 26, 2014 Likud, Bayit Yehudi MKs apologize to Shapiro, say that he was upset that closed meeting was recorded without his knowledge.

Knesset Land of Israel caucus chair-people Yariv Levin (Likud Beytenu) and Orit Struck (Bayit Yehudi) expressed regret on Wednesday that a recording of the parliamentary group's closed meeting with US Ambassador Dan Shapiro was leaked to the press.

The meeting, which took place on Tuesday, was closed to the press and was described by attendees as "charged," after MKs used harsh language in discussions of Israeli agent Jonathan Pollard's treatment and accused the US of bias against Israel in talks with Palestinians.

Shapiro spoke to Levin and Struck, saying that he was upset that the meeting was recorded.

Levin and Struck apologized and said that the participant did not realize the meeting was closed before recording it.

However, sources in the meeting were made aware that it was meant to be closed to press by The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday, but still agreed to divulge extensive information about it.

Struck and Levin thanked Shapiro for taking part in the meeting.

Shapiro accepted their apology and said that, in his opinion, it was a successful and beneficial discussion.

On Tuesday, MKs spoke sharply to Shapiro about the peace process.

"Why should Israel trust [the US]?" MK David Rotem (Likud Beytenu) asked. "The US didn't stand behind us in past crises."

MK Pnina Tamano-Shata (Yesh Atid) said Pollard's continued incarceration "belittles Americans' humanity" and that US President Barack Obama is being "obtuse" toward the Israeli spy.

When Shapiro defended US policy toward Pollard, Struck told him his answers are "unintelligent" and that "no one in Israel buys them."

View original article.

See Also:
  • MKs to Shapiro: US Taking Side of Palestinians in peace talks; demand Pollard's release in meeting with ambassador