Pollard protest vigil planned at Kerry's hotel

Activists call on US secretary of state to persuade Obama to commute Israeli spy's life sentence to time served.

Gil Hoffman - The Jerusalem Post - April 5, 2013

Activists calling for the release of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard will hold a protest vigil outside the King David Hotel in Jerusalem where US Secretary of State John Kerry is staying Monday night.

The activists will hold signs calling for Kerry to persuade US President Barack Obama to commute Pollard's life sentence to time served on Monday, which will be Pollard's 10,000th day in prison.

"Ten thousand days is enough," the Free Pollard campaign said would be the message of the vigil. "The president should let Pollard go while he is still alive. After 28 years in prison, both justice and compassion should compel the US to release Pollard now."

The vigil will be attended by activists who were involved in the efforts that brought about the release of kidnapped soldier Gilad Schalit.

Officials in the Free Pollard campaign emphasized that the vigil would be respectful to Kerry.

During Obama's visit last month, Pollard's wife Esther Pollard persuaded several students who intended to interrupt Obama's speech at the capital's International Convention Center with calls to free her husband to instead remain silent and treat the president respectfully.

Nevertheless, when an Israeli Arab with a pro-Palestinian message heckled Obama, several top American media outlets, including CNN, ABC News and The Washington Times reported incorrectly that a pro-Pollard activist had interrupted the president's speech.

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