Time Magazine: Talking Points
What Bibi and Obama must address in Israel

The U.S. President will meet with the Israeli Prime Minister later this month, after Israel has formed a new coalition government.

Andrew Katz and Dan Macsai - Time Magazine [print ed. page 8]- March 18, 2013

Nuclear Iran

The Obama administration says it's ready to negotiate with Ira to stymie its nuclear ambitions (although military options are still on the table). Meanwhile, Benjamin Netanyahu insists that words and sanctions "will not stop Iran" and the U.S. should do more to address Israel's concerns.

Push for Peace

Israel's settlement construction on the West Bank has been suspended ahead of Obama's visit. But the President who has openly criticized these expansion efforts, could insist that the temporary freeze be made permanent to revive the moribund peace process.

Release of Jonathan Pollard

Some U.S. law makers and Israeli officials have lobbied to free the American spy - sentenced to life in prison in 1987 for gathering intelligence for Israel - because of his declining health. But the White House remains wary of that option, even as the possibility of parole looms, and an online petition for a pardon has garnered 100,000 signatures and counting.

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  • See Also: Video: Esther Pollard's Heartfelt Appeal to President Obama - Israel Channel 2 TV