'Adelson presses Romney on Pollard, embassy'

Billionaire also nudging GOP candidate to denounce peace talks with Palestinians as a waste of time, reports Daily Beast.

JTA - August 7, 2012 - The Jerusalem Post

WASHINGTON - Sheldon Adelson, a major contributor to Republican Mitt Romney's presidential campaign, has asked Romney to speak out publicly for the release of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard.

Romney, the presumptive GOP nominee, has said he needs to see the relevant intelligence material accessible to a president before deciding whether to grant Pollard clemency, sources told the Daily Beast website.

Pollard was working as an American civilian intelligence analyst for the Navy when he passed classified information to Israel. He was convicted and received a life sentence in 1987.

Adelson also has asked Romney to state publicly that the Palestinians are not willing to make peace and that the peace talks are a waste of time, according to the Daily Beast article. The billionaire casino owner also wants Romney to come out more firmly and commit to moving the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Romney has not come out against the peace talks and has said that he favors moving the embassy, but would do so only after consultation with the Israel government.

Adelson is considered to be close with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

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