Families of Terror Victims Push for Release of Jonathan Pollard

The Algemeiner - May 29, 2012

Several bereaved families have asked President Shimon Peres to take advantage of his upcoming visit to Washington to lobby U.S. President Barack Obama for the release of convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard, Israel Hayom reported. The parents wrote to Peres and hope to meet with him before he leaves for Washington in mid-June to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the U.S.'s highest civilian distinction.

"We believe that we have a responsibility to make sure we do not miss an opportunity to bring Pollard back home," wrote Yehuda and Esther Waxman, the parents of Nachshon Waxman, who was kidnapped and killed by Palestinian terrorists in 1994. Ruhama Raz, whose sister Miriam was killed in 1989 when terrorists caused a bus to breach guard rails along the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem highway and fall dozens of meters, also signed the letter, along with Ron Kerman, who lost his daughter, Tal, in a 2003 bus bombing in Haifa.

Several weeks ago, a group of activists circulated a petition demanding that Peres refuse to accept the award unless Pollard was released.

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