Pollard discharged from hospital

Convicted spy's wife spoke to Pollard after he returned to prison, says she fears for his life

YNetNews - Aviel Magnezi - April 15, 2012

Ten days after being admitted into hospital, convicted spy Jonathan Pollard has returned to a North Carolina prison and allowed to hold a two-minute phone conversation with his wife Esther.

Esther Pollard said that her husband sounded weak and had difficulty speaking. She had informed Pollard of President Shimon Peres' formal appeal for his release conveyed to US President Barack Obama. "I told him that the president said that we cannot fail this time," she said. She noted that Pollard had asked her to personally thank Peres and ask him not to give up.

Esther Pollard said she is convinced that if the president continues to pull his weight and fight for her husband's release, his life would be saved.

Pollard's wife expressed deep concern over her husband's return to prison in light of his medical condition. She said he will be required to continue working in prison, despite his poor health. She noted it was just a matter of time until the next medical crisis, "which no one knows its outcome."

"I just fear for his life," she said.

In a letter to Obama, Peres stressed the great concern in Israel and among Pollard's relatives over his failing health. Last Tuesday, the White house said that its position on the matter had not changed.

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