Netanyahu: The Jewish holiday of freedom should be Jonathan Pollard's as well

Wife of Israeli spy, Esther Pollard urges Shimon Peres to ask U.S. President Obama to release Pollard on humanitarian grounds due to illness, says she 'does not want to be a widow.'

Barak Ravid - Haaretz - April 8, 2012

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Sunday for the release of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard, who was hospitalized over the weekend following deterioration in his medical condition.

"The Jewish holiday of freedom should become Pollard's private holiday of freedom, Netanyahu said."I will continue working toward his release."

President Shimon Peres met with Pollard's wife, Esther, in Jerusalem on Sunday and promised her that he will urge President Obama to release him due to his medical condition.

Esther Pollard told Peres that "time is running out" and said she does not want to turn into "Jonathan's widow." She urged Peres to ask Obama to release Pollard on humanitarian grounds.

Pollard, who was convicted in the U.S. of spying for Israel, was transferred over the weekend to a hospital after deterioration in his medical condition. Esther Pollard's spokesmen said Pollard was taken to a hospital outside the Butner Federal Prison in North Carolina, where he is serving a life sentence.