On the Eve of the Netanyahu - Obama Meeting
Pressure Mounts for the Release of Jonathan Pollard

Itamar Eichner - Yediot Achronot - February 28, 2012

Translated to English.

Hopes are mounting that President Obama will deal with the Pollard issue in his upcoming meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu and with President Peres.

The former US Undersecretary of Defense, Lawrence Korb, who has first-hand knowledge of the case, recently visited Pollard and expressed the hope that this ordeal will soon end. Additionally, congressmen from the Democratic Party which President Obama heads have been turning up the volume in their calls for Pollard's release.

Top level American officials have joined the call for clemency for Pollard, among them former Secretaries of State Kissinger and Shultz. In light of mounting public pressure there is an expectation that the President will choose to deal with the issue at the meeting.

In advance of the meeting the American group, Justice for Jonathan Pollard, has released a new video in which Senior American officials are asking for clemency for the Israeli prisoner who was convicted of spying for Israel. [Click here to view]

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