1,000s call White House on Pollard arrest anniversary

Int'l campaign for Israeli agent's release puts out ads asking supporters to urge Obama to commute his sentence.

Gil Hoffman - The Jerusalem Post - November 21, 2011


Thousands of Americans and Israelis called the White House to request that US President Barack Obama commute the life sentence of Israeli agent Jonathan Pollard on Monday, the 26th anniversary of his arrest.

In advertisements published in the US, Israel, and France, the international campaign for Pollard's called upon people to "join dozens of senior American officials in urging Obama to commute Pollard's sentence." The Israeli ads included a local number that reaches the White House.

The push for Pollard's release has intensified in recent days, because American presidents traditionally grant pardons and clemency to a select group of prisoners as an act of goodwill between the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.

In a conference call with activists working for her husband's release, Esther Pollard warned of his deteriorating health. He has been taken from his prison cell to the hospital four times in the past year and recently had surgery.

"He is fading before my eyes," she said. "Both of us know that another emergency operation is only a matter of time, but we don't know whether he will come out of it this time. I am worried that he can't survive another year in prison."

US Vice President Joe Biden promised American Jewish leaders a meeting to discuss Pollard's fate after he was criticized for making statements condemning Pollard two months ago. Despite Biden's promise, the meeting has still not been scheduled.

Kadima MK Nachman Shai called upon Obama to "stop the cruelty" and release Pollard. He said that Pollard had already lost much of his life and there was no reason to keep him incarcerated.

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