Zionist 'Flotilla' for Schalit, Pollard

Zionist youth created a "blue and white" flotilla in protest of pro-Hamas flotillas, and in favor of Schalit and Pollard.

Maayana Miskin, Yoni Kempinski - Arutz7 - August 14, 2011

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Hundreds of Jewish youth from around the world set sail Sunday in a "Blue and White flotilla." They aimed to protest the phenomenon of pro-Hamas flotillas to Gaza, while also showing support for kidnapped soldier Gilad Schalit and prisoner Jonathan Pollard.

Arutz Sheva's Yoni Kempinski was there to speak to the young activists about their mission.

During their sea voyage, from Ashkelon to Ashdod, the youth released balloons in the direction of Gaza. They changed the name of one ship to Gilad Schalit.

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