Yeshivat Hesder Karnei Shomron Letter to Jonathan Pollard

Justice4JPnews - April 28, 2011

Jonathan Pollard was very touched by the following letter that he received from the Hesder Yeshiva at Karnei Shomron. J4JP is sharing it with our readers particularly to call attention to the 25th anniversary event at the Yeshiva described in the letter. Here is the text of the letter:


April 6, 2011
2 Nissan 5771

Dear Jonathan Pollard:

On Erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan, a special and very moving study evening was held at Yeshivat Hesder Karnei Shomron.

Twenty-five years ago two students, Rami Alscheich and Yossie Fink, studied at the Yeshiva. While serving in the army, they were abducted in Lebanon. These students will be remembered forever in Jewish history for the suffering of their families, who for many years did not even know if the two were dead or alive. And it was many more years before Rami and Yossie could receive Jewish burial in Israel.

To mark this twenty-fifth anniversary, we held the study evening dedicated with prayer to your return home and that of Gilad Shalit. Among the lecturers were Yosef Mendelovitz, Rav Shmuel Haber (head of our Yeshiva), Rav Elisha Vishlitzky and Rav Yehoshoa Kohen. They spoke on such topics as personal and national freedom in a Soviet prison, releasing captives in Jewish law and the Exodus from Egypt.

Rav Vishlitzky spoke about the special bonds between the different groups that are active on your behalf and Gilad's. And at the close of the evening, Yossie Fink's father stood in front of the Holy Ark with a prayer for the freeing of the captives and that we should soon see you in Israel with your family.

May we see your early release.

In prayer,

Lior Lifschitz, Director
Yeshivat Hesder Karnei Shomron

  • See Also: PDF of original letter