Hachnassat Sefer Torah in Honor of Jonathan Pollard on Rosh Chodesh Nissan

Justice4JPnews - March 27, 2011

Rejoice and Celebrate with the Torah!

This is your invitation to a Hachnassat sefer Torah
for the release of Jonathan Pollard,
now in his 26th year of a life sentence, in poor health and in harsh conditions.

The event will take place on Rosh Chodesh Nissan, Tuesday, April 5, 2011 as follows:


- The final letters of the sefer Torah will be completed at the Tziun of David HaMelech on HarTzion, Jerusalem


- The procession en masse will leave HaTzion to accompany the Sefer Torah to Maarat HaMachpela in Hebron


- The procession will depart from Beit Knesset Metzudat David in Kiryat Arba to Maarat HaMachpela where the Hachnassat Sefer Torah will take place B"H

The event is being planned in coordination with the IDF.

For further details or questions contact Master of Ceremony, Shaul Chalfon at 057-7755524.

Come one! Come all!