Jonathan Pollard & the Redemption of Eretz Israel at Tu Bishvat Ceremony

Excerpted from Voices Magazine & WIG Release - January 23, 2011

More than 300 lovers of the land from all over the country joined together on the hills of Netzer in Gush Etzion between Alon Shvut and Elazar and Efrat to plant trees for Tu B'Shevat.

A new vineyard was planted and dedicated in honor of Jonathan Pollard, who has been languishing in an American prison for more than 25 years for his activities on behalf of the security of Israel.

A special prayer calling for the release of Jonathan Pollard was read out loud and a vineyard of vines was planted in his honor. On the plaque (see photo below) it says in Hebrew; "In honor of our brother Jonathan Pollard. The People of Israel pray and long for your return home to Eretz Israel."

The ceremony was organized by Women for Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green) and was made possible thanks to the donations of many in Israel and abroad who support the struggle for the Land in Judea and Samaria and against the creation of a Palestinian State.

With appreciation and thanks to the organizers and to all who made it possible to plant and redeem the land of Eretz Israel!