Archive (2000): Former Head of KGB Refutes Weinberger Lies About Pollard

Justice4JP Release - November 14, 2010
Source: MA'ARIV - December 8, 2000

In a feature length exposé in the December 8, 2000 weekend magazine of the Israeli daily, MA'ARIV, former head of the KGB, Vladmir Karyoshkov, categorically refutes the statements of former Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger about Jonathan Pollard. These statements are lies that have been used for the past 15 years to keep Pollard in prison. The relevant section of the feature article has been translated and appears below.

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Excerpted from: EXPOSÉ: The Great CIA Conspiracy Against Jonathan Pollard
by Chezi Carmel - MA'ARIV- December 8, 2000.

"The KGB never received any information whatsoever from Israel or from the Israeli Mossad, whose source was Jonathan Pollard, or from any other source. It never happened."

So declared Vladmir Karyoshkov to me, as if he were making an official statement, in an interview I recently held with him in his Moscow apartment. Karyoshkov was the former head of the KGB until he was ousted from his job in 1991 because of his participation in a failed coup against Gorbachev.

The former head of the KGB, Karyoshkov asked to add to his declaration, his unequivocal refutation of the testimony of the former Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, given behind closed doors at the sentencing of Jonathan Pollard in 1987. In his testimony, Weinberger falsely accused Pollard of severely damaging the national security of the United States because the information he had given Israel had found its way into the hands of the KGB.

This claim which originated in the American Central Intelligence Agency continues to be exploited to this day as the principal reason given by the American authorities to justify their stubborn refusal to release Pollard even though he has served more than 15 years in prison..."

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