INN Video: Esther Pollard to PM: Stand with us and we will stand with you!

Yoni Kempinski - Israel National News - July 15, 2010

Esther Pollard, wife of Jonathan Pollard summed up the three-day vigil in Jerusalem marking her husband's nine thousand days in U.S. prison by calling on Prime Minister Netanyahu to act on Jonathan's behalf. "Stand with us and we will stand with you," she implored.

Click here to view the video.

  • Title

    : Three Day Vigil Marked 9,000 Days of Pollard's Imprisonment
  • Courtesy

    : IsraelNationalNews
  • Videographer

    : Hillel Maeir, Tatzpit
  • Language

    : English
  • Time

    : (min:sec) 1:43
See Also: