Jonathan Pollard on the loss of his beloved Rabbi, HaRav Mordechai Eliyahu

Justice4JPnews - June 7, 2010

These are Jonathan Pollard's words to his wife, Esther, in response to the painful news that his beloved rabbi, HaRav Mordechai Eliyahu passed away today:

"Baruch Dayan HaEmet. Not since we both lost our mothers have we experienced such a profound and unbearable loss. We are heartbroken. We are bereft. We are orphaned in the deepest sense of the word. The Rav left us a wonderful legacy, and that is what we have to focus on. For all of the years that we had the blessing to be part of his life, he gave us strength; he gave us direction; and he gave us hope. In terms of all of Am Yisrael, the Rav provided all of the People of Israel with a model of what a true Jew should be. The Rav was unafraid, he was strong, he was wise, he was sure and he was dedicated. He was unwavering in his devotion to the Land and the People of Israel. He was a true servant of HaShem. He feared no man; only G-d. That is the model that he gave us; and that is the model which will continue to inspire us. That is the model we hope to live up to. Baruch Hashem, we have so many rich memories of the time we spent in the Rav's company. With what humor and warmth and wisdom and absolute kindness he continually blessed us! How very fortunate are we to have had the enormous zechut of being his children and coming under his influence! May the memory of our beloved Rav be a blessing for all of Am Yisrael!"