Short Powerful Video Clip of Shulamit Peretz Appeal for Pollard (English)

Justice4JPnews Release - April 11, 2010

IsraelNationalNews (Arutz7) presents a short clip of Shulamit Peretz's appeal for Jonathan Pollard with English subtitles on YouTube. Watch and be amazed at the graciousness, strength and the overwhelming simplicity of this deeply moral appeal by the amazing widow of fallen IDF major, Eliraz Peretz z"l.

The video is very short, a little less than a minute, but very powerful!
It is titled:

Freshly-Widowed Shulamit Peretz: Free Jonathan Pollard

Click here to view.

Shulamit Peretz, we salute you. We are humbled by you. We stand in awe of your greatness! We are exceedingly proud to have you as an exemplary model of the greatness of Jewish women! May the memory of your beloved husband, Eliraz Peretz z"l, be for a blessing for all of Am Yisrael!

For more information, see:

This story can also be read here.