Erev Pesach Letter to PM Netayahu (Translation) as Pollard Marks
8888 days in Prison and Netayahu Marks One Full Year in Office

Justice4JP Release - Erev Pesach 5770 - March 28, 2010

Translated to English.

View the original Hebrew PDF or the English copy PDF.

See also copy of English letter below.

Committee to Bring Jonathan Pollard Home
32 Abarbanel St.
Jerusalem 92477
Fax: 02-5636162

Tuesday, Nisan 8, 5770
March 23, 2010

How to Bring Home an Israeli Captive without Releasing Even One Terrorist

Mr. Binyamin Netanyahu

Prime Minister of Israel

Re: Jonathan Pollard's

8888 days in prison

; deep concern regarding your handling of the case

Today, March 23, 2010, is Jonathan Pollard's 8888day in US prison. The approaching holiday, which we celebrate in the name of freedom, is expected to be Jonathan's 25th Passover there. This is absolutely

inconceivable and unacceptable

! How can it be that everything we see shows that this is being accepted by the Prime Minister of Israel?

Mr. Prime Minister, regarding Israeli citizen Jonathan Pollard -who is serving an unlimited life sentence for passing information vital to the security of the State of Israel as part of an operation to which he was sent by the Government of Israel and Ministry of Defense, and who was officially recognized as an Israeli agent by the Government of Israel during your first term ("The State of Israel acknowledges its obligation to Mr. Pollard, and is ready to assume full responsibility accordingly." - Prime Minister's Office, May 11,1998) -you declared before entering your current position: "He was a soldier of the State of Israel, and we do not leave soldiers behind in the field...

If I ever return to the position [of Prime Minister], I will find the way to free him


Mr. Prime Minister, a year has passed since you were elected for this job and since you established your government. We had all been expecting for you to, finally, implement the statement you made as Prime Minister in 1998. We had been hoping for quick action for Jonathan's release as you had promised and as you are obligated as the Prime Minister of Israel. However, to our great disappointment, all the signs point to you distancing yourself considerably from taking responsibility for bringing Jonathan home. This is of great concern to us.

How can it be that neither you nor anyone else from your Office has made any contact with Jonathan, his wife or his attorney?! How can it be that you have not found even one opportunity to remind the Israeli public of your commitment to bring him home, and even have avoided the mere mention of Jonathan's name? Why have you not declared, even once, the intention of your new government to act so as to assure Jonathan's well being, his release and his return home to Israel?! Over the course of a year in which you have made, time after time in face of demands coming from Washington, concessions over fundamental principles without receiving anything in return, how are you capable of conducting and instructing your ministers to conduct, day after day, over an entire year, "business as usual?" How is it that you can fail in countless meetings and discussions with the President of the United States and his representatives, to

make a sincere effort to obtain one confidence-building gesture

: putting an end to the state of affairs in which Jonathan is " gradually bleeding to death before the eyes of all of the Jewish People" (as Jonathan wrote from prison)?!

These questions raise grave doubts:

Even after a quarter of a century of Jonathan's imprisonment - Is the Government of Israel still evading its responsibility for saving someone who acted at its behest and risked his life to save the State of Israel?!

We do not want to reach the point of realizing that our Prime Minister is so deficient in his power even in the 25th year of Jonathan's imprisonment, or could it be that he is not willing to fulfill his obligation!!

Mr. Prime Minister, it is possible to return an Israeli captive, namely Jonathan Pollard, without releasing even one terrorist! There is nothing more just, more moral, more conscientious, than demanding Jonathan Pollard's immediate release. Abandoning Jonathan does nothing to improve the quality of the Israel-US relationship. On the contrary,

facing up to the Pollard issue will bring pride and respect to the State of Israel

. Securing his release will put an end to this painful affair and will surely benefit the friendship between the Americans and us.

It is time to request, forthrightly and decisively, of US President Obama to release Jonathan Pollard. It is time to keep your promise, it is time for action!

At Passover, how can we possibly feel like a free people when Jonathan is rotting in prison and may spend yet another of his Passovers, for the 25th time, within its walls?! We all share the feeling that as long as your government neglects Jonathan, our brother, our flesh and blood, behind bars, Israel steers away from the path of liberty and independence, which it takes pride in having obtained for itself. "Jonathan's fate is Israel's fate!" Furthermore, Jonathan's continuing imprisonment scars our national resilience, mutual responsibility, human rights and the human conscience.

On his 8888th day in prison,

the entire nation expects you to take responsibility

, act determinedly and quickly in order to bring Jonathan Pollard home, before it is, G-d forbid, too late.

With best wishes for Pidyon Shvuyim,

Nissan GanOr, Chairman
Committee to Bring Jonathan Pollard Home

Copy of English Letter

See Also:
English PDF - Hebrew PDF