30 New White House Operators Hired to Handle Calls for Pollard's Release

Justice4JPnews - January 11, 2009

After publicizing the J4JP Release "White House Operator: Most Calls are for Pollard", Dr. Aaron Lerner of IMRA received the following email, which confirmed that not only are most calls for Pollard, but also that the White House is overwhelmed by the volume of calls. Consequently 30 new operators have been added to the comment lines. In addition, new numbers have been added to handle the overload that the main switchboard lines are experiencing.

Way to go! Let's keep the pressure on! Keep those calls coming!

Here is a copy of the confirming email, shared with permission of the author,

From: "Brooklyn"
To: imra@netvision.net.il
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2009 5:42 PM
Subject: White House phones and Pollard

Hi Aaron
Hope you and yours are well.
Saw the article on the website re: how majority of calls to White House are for Pollard hubby can confirm. He has been calling at least daily, and somehow lucked into reaching a new phone-bank operator. She told him she had just begun work that morning, and had already fielded dozens of calls about Pollard. Hubby was more than happy to explain it to her, and she told him that the White House recently hired 30 (!) more operators to handle the volume. She also let on that even the alternate (202-456-1414) number was swamped, to the extent that White House staffers could not get through, and that new private lines had to be added to allow for routine traffic. Let's keep 'em busy!

Kol Tuv

Here are the numbers to call:

Call the White House for Jonathan Pollard!
DIAL: 202-456-1414 or 202-456-1111
Monday to Friday 9 AM to 5 PM EDST

From Israel, call toll-free:
Israel Time: 4 PM to Midnight
Hurrah! 15 new phone lines added to toll free number!

Leave a message for President George Bush:
Free Jonathan Pollard now!