Prayer Rally for Pollard at Kotel
Tuesday, January 6 2008, 3 PM
Hebrew date: 10th of Tevet (Fast of Asarah B'Tevet)
Justice4JPnews - January 1, 2009
The public is urged to attend a prayer rally to save the life of Jonathan Pollard. At the same time we will also pray for the speedy return of all of our captives and MIAs and for the safety of our soldiers now on active duty defending the Land. Acting at the urging of such illustrious rabbis as HaRav Mordechai Eliyahu, HaRav Ovadia Yosef, the Chief Rabbis Amar and Metzger and others, the Committee to Bring Jonathan Pollard Home is organizing a prayer rally at the Kotel during the fast of Asarah B'Tevet. Rabbi Asher Mivtzari is coordinating efforts on behalf of the Committee. He can be contacted at
Nissan GanOr, chairman of the Committee states that this is a time of grace in the United States. As President Bush winds down his term in office, this is traditionally a time for the President to exend clemency to prisoners. GanOr urges everyone come to the rally and storm the gates of Heaven, to bring the blessing down to earth and open the prison gates for Jonathan in time to save his life and bring him home to Israel.
Your voice in prayer is desperately needed. Please be there! Here are the details again. Hebrew flyer can be accessed below.
- EVENT: Prayer Rally for Pollard
- PLACE: The Kotel (the Western Wall)
- DATE: 6 January 2009 / 10 Tevet 5769
- TIME: 3 PM
- CONVENOR: The Committee to Bring Jonathan Pollard Home
Click here for printable Hebrew flyer.