Urgent! October 5th Prayer Rally for Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu shlita

Posted September 28, 2008

At the request of Gedolei Yisrael, Jews all over the world will be gathering
to do teshuva and pray for the complete recovery of all the ailing people of Klal Yisrael,
including the esteemed former Chief Rabbi of Israel:

Rav Mordechai Eliyahu ben Mazal,
the Rishon L'Tzion.

On Sunday, October 5 (6th Tishrei) there will be a prayer gathering outside the
Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem where the Rav has been hospitalized for over 140 days.
6:00-7:00 pm: Prayer rally for school children
7:00-9:00pm : Prayers and special Tikkun by Rabbis and Mekubalim

Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu will give his personal blessing,
which will be broadcast live via satellite and internet.

A Sefer Torah will be written with the participation of the
sentire Jewish People, dedicated to the recovery of our beloved Rav.

The Rally location: The main outside parking lot of Shaare Tzedek Hospital

Communities, schools and organizations outside Israel are invited to join
in the saying of Tehillim at the same time:
(11am-2pm EDT / 10am-1pm CDT / 8am-11am PDT)

If your community would like to participate in the Prayer Rally, please inform Rav Eliyahu's office:
Telephone: +972 -2- 993-4328 / Fax: +972-2-993-3519
Email: tefila@harav.org

We will turn to our Father in Heaven in prayer, saying: "Merciful Father!
Grant a complete recovery to the sick among Your people." Let us pray as one
people with one heart, for grace, loving-kindness and mercy, for a good verdict
on the Day of Judgment, and that all of Klal Yisrael will be sealed in the Book of Life
for a good year.

Signed by the Family of Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu shlita