Upcoming Events for Jonathan Pollard

Justice4JPnews - April 27, 2008

Youth for Pollard Special Event Tent
Opposite President's Mansion
April 28th through May 1st

Youth for Pollard (in conjunction with The Committee to Bring Jonathan Pollard Home) is planning a special event tent opposite the President's mansion in Jerusalem. The event will take place Monday through Thursday, April 28th through May 1st and is being coordinated with educational institutions and the Israel security services.

The event kicks off tomorrow, Monday, April 28, 2008, at 12 noon.
April 29, 30, & 1st, the program begins at 9:00 AM and runs through to 8PM

The public is invited to attend.

The 60th anniversary of the State of Israel is approaching,
but as long as Jonathan Pollard continues to rot in an American prison,
Israel has no independence to celebrate.

We will not be deterred by the egregious witch-hunt for Israeli spies in the US!
Israeli independence requires Pollard home, now!

At the special event tent there will be a protest vigils, hunger strikers, special lectures on the issue, as well as speeches by rabbanim and public personalities.Youth for Pollard has designated April 28th and 29th as of special interest for girls; and April 30th and May 1st for boys.

Esther Pollard, Jonathan's wife, will be speaking on Tuesday, April 29th at approximately 6:00 PM.

The youthful protesters deserve our support. Buses 17, 9, 31, 32 in Jerusalem will bring you to the President's mansion (off of Marcus Street in Rechavia). Drop by the special event tent, whenever you can. We'll be glad to welcome you!
The Hebrew flyer for this event follows below. For more information contact Moriah at 054-224-0190

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Also, Please mark your calendar!
Another Event to Welcome President Bush to Israel:
MAY 12TH 2008 6:30 PM
Massive Solidarity Rally and Human Chain Event
at Freedom for Jonathan Pollard Square (formerly Kikar Pariz)

The Committee to Bring Jonathan Pollard Home in conjunction with J4JP is planning a major event -- a massive solidarity with Pollard rally and a flag and handcuff human chain event! Details to follow in a separate announcement. Watch for it!

Here is the Hebrew flyer for the Special Events Tent in front of the President's Mansion starting tomorrow! Be there!